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I bought a car from MRL (part of AC) next to the expressway - the salesman's name Walsh and he said he lived in Kilmarnock.

It was claimed to have one previous owner (which was AC themselves) and was told it was leased out on 'motobility' so as it was their car it came with 'full service history' which showed it had 'never been in an accident' as they 'would have the record of the repair'.
Many things needed repaired in the warranty period - but it was taking so long to get repairs done, not everything was completed by the end of the month warranty.
When the ownership document came through - I was the third owner.  When I complained about this they said they didn't consider it to be important.
They then ignored subsequent attempts to complain.
Six months after I got the car the drivers seat fell apart as I pulled away from a set of lights, and I fell into the back seat (I only weigh ten stone).  The car had never been in an accident after I bought it, and the garage I took it too found the seat frame to be broken in six places - which they said could only have been the result of a bad accident.
About this time they sent out a standard letter 'customer satisfaction enquiry form' which they said was to ensure 'high standards', when I returned it with my complaints I heard nothing.
At the MOT six months later, it also needed welded at the seat mounting point on the floor, which I was told was likely to be for the same reason in such a young car.  The garage also noticed paint that had a rough surface where damage to the N/S rear door had been repaired.
I hate to think what would have happened if the seat had fallen into the back when I was on the motorway, as I wouldn't even have had the protection of a seatbelt when the driverless car hit something.
I see Arnold Clark staff here offering rewards for people's identities who they claim are making fictitious complaints.  Well check your complaints at MRL and you will find my identity, but as for a reward of a reduction on the cost of your servicing my car, I think I can really do without dealing with your company ever again.




I would have to agree with the others here that say if you don't
have anything to add and are not willing to spread the news then
don't log on. It seems that the Fox organization are most
certainly employed by AC and it would have to be said are a thorn
in his side. Arnold is very aware of this site and no doubt it
has to piss him off by quite an amount. That in itself is one way
of getting at the old git, creep, con merchant. From my days of
working in the AC company ( quite some time ago ) I found that
the congenial polite spoken gent whom you see on TV or hear on
the radio is not a reality. He is however, a dwarfen like BO
infested, pervert who has the worst comb over in the history of
man. Christ his barnet must be 3ft long if you ever seen it
straight. His comments about most of the girls in the company and
what others are ( in his mind ) doing with them and what he would
like to. Professional indeed ! I believe the comment " ned with
money " comes to mind.
    Now for the rest of us whom don't have the misfortune to work
for the old crook, you may ask what can we do. Well use you
imagination here, the papers are not interested as he pays them
too much in advertising. So why not go spread the word tell your
friends why not send an e-mail to all of your work colleagues.
What I have been doing to keep the custom away and generally keep
myself a happy chappy. I have in the boot of my car a very very
large brown envelope inside I have the print off of my list of
complaints that you can see on the bottom of this web site and
stapled to that is a not with this web sites URL ( web address )
then whenever I fancy or I am pissed off or just driving past one
of their garages. Stop look for anyone who is even remotely of
the look that they want to buy a car and go up to them and spill
your guts give them your little hand out and leave them to make
up their own mind. I have so far gave out over 250 of these at my
leisure over the last few months. Just don't get caught by some
jobs worth who might get your reg number. Trust me it's very
satisfying. Every one should try it and I have never had anyone
have a bad word to say about the piece of advice. So to every one
that's reading this. Go now, give 20 people your story of woe and
the URL for this site. It will soon get around, be pro active. If
everyone who visited this site done that and 5 people of those
you told were or knew someone who was going to buy a car from AC
and stopped them. Taking into account that the average deals
profit is at the very very least £500 Arnold would have lost well
in excess of £35m. You do the sum. Now go do it !


what a great idea, printing out the web address and handing a
copy out to browsers in any AC showroom or forecourt. let them
browse the www before committing themselves to a sale. that will
cost the wee man plenty I would have thought.
good idea, please do it.
A lot of people do check the web before going to a showroom so
it would have an interesting effect.
nice one.


Good on ya     Not only the fact that AC gets stuffed but also helping
the well being of your fellow man / woman. Imagine how much
hassle we would all have been saved if someone gave us this
information. And if you’re a believer in what goes around comes
around we should be sound.
It’s nice to be nice.
PS If there are any AC jobworths reading this thinking you'll
have to keep an eye out for me. Tough you'll never see what I am
doing.  Guerrilla tactics you see, works well for most folk.


Expat returning to Glasgow for one month and wanting to rent a
car. Web search for Arnold Clark offers turned up this
interesting site! Certainly will be taking my business
elsewhere - a loss of at least $2000(=800 pounds) to his
business. Should have known better - remember almost buying my
first car from the outlet in St George's Road in 1988 - the car
suddenly became unavailable when I arranged for the AA to check
it first - seemingly had a crack in the engine. Also back in
Glasgow 3 years ago and hired a car with petrol gauge at near
empty! - seemingly company policy to hire cars with minimal
petrol in the tanks so that their company finances are not
drained - the customer loses out as invariably the car is
returned with petrol in the tank - who wants to take the chance
of running out of petrol in Glasgow! Between Arnold Clark and
the rain you lot must be miserable esp the Rangers supporters. 


You have all saved me from a potential hell at the hands of
It was my intention to buy a car from Arnold Clark Automobiles
but after reading what some of you have to say my purchase has
been cancelled.
I had a funny feeling about the place and when I asked the
salesman what he thought about this site he claimed he knew
nothing about it. unusual I thought for a salesman for 3 years
with Arnold Clark.
I would assume that most employees of Arnold Clark are aware of
this site so I took his comment as a lie.


Thought I'd let you know about my experience at the Arnold Clark
showroom at Chesterton, Newcastle-Under-Lyme Staffs. It's been
open for about two weeks now, I recently went in to attempt to
purchase a 5 door Pug 206, only to get told by the salesman that
Peugeot have stopped making 5 door cars, presumably because they
only had 3 door ones in the showroom at the time and I ended up
leaving wondering where they get there training from?, are they
all ex-holdcroft employees?, which have up to now held the
monopoly in bad customer service and cars in Staffs with there
low p/x prices over inflated service charges and laughable
customer service....


hey . I love the sight now the good thing about this is I work for Arnold Clark , my manager told me about this sight and said it was true that Arnolds does suck
 fiat is terrible for stuff going back order around 60% of parts in fiat / Alfa are back order . if u have an Alfa gtv and are looking for exhaust valves the will cost you £13 more than fiat Brava / bravo ones , and the strange thing is there exactly the same , part number & packaging . so work that one out.


it's not only customers his company takes for mug's they treat their staff 
worse, e,g 19 year old taken on as valeter / driver sacked after 13 weeks for 
not shaving before coming to work ,and not pulling his weight, he started 
early six days a week and finished at least 1 1/2 hours late six days a week 
if that's not pulling your weight what is the company stinks people are in 
jail for less


The above information is provided for convenience as part of the service we offer at this website. However, the webmaster cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content. Visitors who rely on this information do so at their own risk.


Are you really going to buy a car off this company ? PLEASE read some more comments before you decide.