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I Bought a Fiat Bravo HLX from Arnold Clark in Kilmarnock. I noticed it had no alloys or CD player as was quoted by Fiat but was told that it had been a hire car and hence these things had been removed. 4 weeks later when the registration documents arrived telling me that it was instead a Bravo SX which would explain the lack of alloys, etc. This was the first car I had ever bought from a proper garage, and was actually swayed away from other cars towards this one by the salesman. I think they knew what they were doing and saw me as an easy sale for a car that was badged wrongly. Basically I took it back to them and threatened them with legal action and they gave me the money they had made from the car i had traded in. Thankfully I had already arranged the purchase of another car from Reg Vardy. Never going near Arnold Clark again...


Great site.. just wish I'd seen it before i bought my car.
Nearly 18k worth of new Vauxhall from Arnies Phoenix Vauxhall. Salesman was
great but then...we had to use the service dep't. Put the car in for it's 1st
service and left it locked , dead locked and alarmed on forecourt. Went to
collect it next day and noticed something written on job card about something
missing! On querying it.. she wasn't going to mention it... I was told spare
wheel was missing! Brand new never on car wheel!. I protested as I know it was
there.. son tried to check pressure 2 day's before... and was met with a shrug
of shoulders and the usual.. I'll get the manager to phone you!. he didn't.
Any way big mistake.. took the car home to discover.. boot in disarray and flap
to spare wheel mount screw open. Should have called the police while at
garage. Phoned the garage back.. usual. manager will phone.. he didn't. Only way
in was with key's which the garage had!
Next morning took car to Police who examined it and stated wheel had not been
forcibly removed.. had been wound down and cradle put back up. They did a crime
report but my word against garage. Again challenged garage and fired off
letters.. nowt.
Eventually took myself up to head office and spoke to head of customer services..
who said he would take it up for me with dealership. 
I was more angry at the lack of customer care than anything although the bill
for £145 to replace it wasn't funny.
Eventually I managed to get a letter to Arnie himself and eventually got a kind of
sorry "but it wisnae us" was and I know it! Also know a couple other
people who have lost wheels there! Local Fergie Park neds pinch them regularly.
Any way.. he sent me a cheque for half the amount which I forwarded to the local
hospice.. it wasn't money i was looking for... just a sorry and some customer
care.... I AM STILL WAITING.. phoenix vauxhall do not know the meaning of the
They also are unable to fix minor faults.. 10 attempts at fixing a seat.. 3
rebuilds and a new one from another car.. guess what.. it still creaks if
someone sits on it and you go round a corner!
Fed up with car now so will sell it... never again will I use Arnie....lesson
learned the hard way..

Don't ever purchase a car from Uncle Arnold, especially the one's that are "Manager's Specials".  I went to purchase a P-Reg Fiesta back in 1999 at the Arnold Clark Rover branch in the West End of Glasgow.  I thought it was a good deal (it had a low price and a Manager's Special sticker plastered over the windscreen)! Before I actually signed any paperwork for the car I had a quick look over the car and noticed that the front grill was sprayed the same colour as the rest of the bodywork.  I thought this was strange as I had never seen any other fiesta with a body coloured grill.  I took along a reliable source to have a quick look at the car and he informed me that it had suffered serious accident damage to the front. When I confronted the salesman he informed me that it was an ex-Arnold Clark hire vehicle that had been in a 'minor' accident (there were more welding marks on it than the QE2). Thankfully I told them to f**k off and never made the mistake of buying this vehicle.  Arnold would have sold me that car without batting an eyelid so beware shoppers! I can't believe the stupid b*****d's had painted the grill the same colour as the rest of the bodywork, this was a total giveaway. 


After reading your website and getting p#####d off with switchboard and the ongoing comments of, "We are only here to respond to incoming calls and divert them, (I say they have the IQ of a shoe) and being told constantly the agent I dealt with is on the telephone or with a customer. I am still awaiting on £180.00 my deposit from two weeks ago back which, of course when handing it over and being reassured that it would be given back if there were any problems HA HA!!. Along with I will call you back, fat chance!, the guy is incapable of pressing numbers into a telephone. I say STAY AWAY from the MOTHERWELL branch they are good at taking the money from you, not so good at giving it back!, why should my money sit in Arnold Clark's bank account accumulating interest instead of mine. I just wish I had read the site before doing so. Keep up the good work.


 I worked on the sales side for A C do you know that some of the salesmen are earning over £80,000 a year. They get commission for everything warranty, finance, service plans which you only save about £40 over three years). If one of there salesmen gets your car valued the price he tells you is always 3-4 hundred pounds less than his boss has valued it at and as for finance the higher rate that they can get you on the more they earn, they will try and hit you with rates of 6% and so on they can go as low as 3.8% i even did a couple at 0%.I also once sold a car that was £3695 and i made £140 on that one deal, there was also a time when i got £4000 knocked off a car in order to do the deal and they still made money so how much did they make off of you poor people. As you can tell I don't hold much respect for AC or his company how can you when the guy makes you stand when he comes up to your desk and demands to be called MR. CLARK even by his own sons) WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS? THE FU***N PO! PE!!.


Hey. Last year I went to my local Arnold Clark in Elgin, Morayshire, during there " 0% finance " deal every January. I liked the look of an S reg Nissan Almera, and only £5600. When I asked the manager to go for a spin, he got in the passenger seat and said "OK, but just round the block" !  During this (short) time,  the first thing I noticed was the overwhelming smell of horse manure. He obviously smelt it too, his window down and sniffing. Next, the stereo didn't work either, the car pulled to the side, the damn thing must have had like 50p in the petrol tank (but that applies to most garages I guess). Back at the garage (30 seconds later) I began looking over the car and found that the carpet in the back  had been worn down to the metal. When I pointed this out, he blatantly denied it, saying "It's just a bit of dust" ! I mentioned the stereo and the pulling to one side and he just said that if I bought the car he'd sort it out afterwards...Yeah Right!    Being a nice guy, I just said I'd think it over.  So he invited me into his office with all the paperwork ready for me to sign!  I said I'd think it over and he said sign it now and think about it at home! I think he took me for a fool (only 20 at the time). Oh, and as for part-exchange, what a twat. I had an M reg Rover 214i with alloys, MOT tax etc., well looked after and only 74k on the clock. He offered me £200, as this was a 0% finance. I wish now I told him to stick it up his arse!  Well, I never bought the car, and it was still there like a year later.  good site mate 


about a year and a half ago, my wife traded in her proton to Arnold Clark Greenock and not being an expert in trading in cars was ripped off. she was told her car would be scrapped and that they could only offer her £200. 2 days ago I saw this car travelling through Greenock.


I have just discovered that the Glasgow Road. Paisley branch (Mazda) Of Arnold Craps have just ripped of a friend of mine good style. Last June I sold him my 3 year old Mazda 626 which at that time had only 17600 miles on the clock, good solid A1 condition motor which I had had since new (pre registered) so new the history of the car in intimate detail. Since buying it from me he has only covered some 2500 miles in the car & knowing him & his wife they would be very gently covered. Not being terribly mechanically minded my friend put the car in for a service on Monday this week. Asked the service desk to do one of their "health checks" it was free so why not? Surprisingly enough he got a call at around 9.30 on the morning in question to tell his brake pads were worn & needed replacing. He agreed & as an upshot got stung for replacement Front discs & pads at a cost to him of some £250 or so. Rip off or what? When I sold him the car I had not long since replaced the front tyres & whilst the wheels were off I had done an inspection on the brakes & at that time I had estimated that there was about another 5000 miles or so wear left in them & the discs were like new. Unfortunately I was out of the country when this all occurred (I work 2 desks from the guy) or I could have prevented this happening. I am now so mad that they have done this to him I would like to take it further, but since it is after the event & there is little or no chance of being able to prove anything I am stuffed. Unless anyone can suggest anything else all I can do is add my complaint to your list & say that it will be a cold day in hell before Arnold sees any more business from me or anyone else I can influence. The real kicker here is that after I bought the 626 from the branch I had nothing but exemplary service from them, any & all contact I had had from the branch in question had been good, even replaced a noisy rear wiper motor under warranty on my diagnosis of a worn motor bearing without inspection. Unfortunately for my friend this led me to recommend them to him. I think AC had perhaps not long taken charge of this dealership & staff have changed since my original purchase.  


Arnold Clark is crap. they sell u pieces of junk. when we put out car into b serviced they put my Vaseline on the runners of the seat! also our car door fell off and they wouldn't do anything about it! we are planning to take them to court..


hi saw your page, here's one for you
we bought a new passat from the fiat dealer in Allison street in Glasgow.    we traded in old faithful  , a 1994 2 litre Mondeo,    got a fair trade in price,    took the new car on finance .    we arranged to come in a few days later with the right paper work for buying the car,   done the deal with the salesman, and had my first ever bump with the car in the 4 years we had it,  

i hit a little concrete post while reversing out at less than 5mph and cracked my bumper in the car park,    when we went to pick up the new car a week later , the salesman noticed the tiny crack on our bumper and demanded we paid him £300 toward a new bumper before they sent it to auction,   me having the temper i have , walked out on the deal and decided to keep old car,  the salesman came after me and said he would see his manager,  came back saying £100 towards a new bumper, , i liked the new car that much we settled on £70.  the manager said he would arrange for a second hand bumper to go on and a quick coat of paint before it went to auction.    must think my head buttoned up the back,   but i wanted this new car that much i let it go, knowing i would chase it up at a later date, ,  the deal went ahead and we liked the new car,  that was the Friday morning, , Saturday morning the phone rings, was a guy who bought the Mondeo at auction, , asking a few routine questions about the car which i was happy to answer, , i asked him did it have a crack on the bumper??? said yes, , and left it at that with him, ,   we went back into the garage a week later,  and asked to speak to the manager about the bumper, said with a stroke of luck the got a second hand bumper , sprayed it and put it on, , i let him dig himself deeper and deeper in it, then told him of my phone call from the new owner,  then started being cheeky saying really, it was his car as he bought it from me , and could do what ever he decided with the car bumper or not,   its of no concern of mine no more, ,  contacted customer services and they were even more rude and backed him up and that was the end of it, I think all car sales men are total liars , , never again will i buy from Arnold,,


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Are you really going to buy a car off this company ? PLEASE read some more comments before you decide.