I to was a victim of shoddy practice by the Arnold Clark dealerships.
A year ago I traded in my Audi Quattro at the Arnold Clark showroom in Aberdeen for a brand new Hyundai Santa Fe.
Everything went fine at the beginning, until i picked up my new car on the Monday morning, i drove about all of the Monday testing the car out and was fairly impressed.
Then on the Monday evening I get a call from the area sales manager asking if i would call in the next morning. I turn up next morn and to my horror they demanded their car back as it turned out they paid me £2000 over the book price for my Audi and wanted me to cough up the short fall. Well as you could imagine i was dumb struck after all it was their mistake not mine, so i was then threatened by legal action, needless to say i handed the new car back and took my Audi back.
I wrote to the head office but as you will know this was utterly pointless, i didn't even merit a reply. i did however contact a lawyer but have never heard from them either.
So i still have the Audi but i will never never never have dealings with this shower of cowboys again.

Our car was serviced " enough to pass it's mot" but was not in a roadworthy
condition. The cv boot tie was not fitted correctly and was leaking grease over
the brake disc. Mr. Clark's garage fitted a new one for us labour free ,but after
a week we had problems and thought we need a new drive shaft turns out the cv
boot had not been "located" properly  . We are still waiting for Mr. Clark's co.
to apologize to us and make recompense for the expense we occurred in making our
car roadworthy again. Also they don't seem to like replying to customer letters,
according to today papers 3 of a staff in their complaints dep't. no wonder we
can't get an answer.

We bought  new Toyota Corolla from Arnold Clark in Aberdeen at the end of October.  3 weeks later we discovered that the roof was leaking at the front passenger side, and there was also a loose interior trim on the driver's side.  On trying to report this, we found that the salesman who had so recently accepted £14,000 from us was no longer interested and we had to deal with the repair shop. Unfortunately, it was very difficult to get anyone in authority to speak to us on the phone, and we had to resort to expensive phone calls to Toyota Customer Care to assist us to at least get a courtesy car when our brand new car was taken into the garage for repair.  Our request for a change of car was rebuffed by all parties.
Reluctantly we put the car in for repair, and were absolutely livid when it returned complete with water leak still a problem.  More calls to Toyota followed, but they were unconcerned that their production line had sent off a car with a roof leak.  Back to Arnold Clark again, and again the problem of no one being in the garage when we phoned.  At last things were arranged with the help of Toyota again, and the car was taken in for the second time.
This time it returned with the leak repaired, but the replacing of the trim around the sun roof looked as if the most junior employee had "had a go" at the job -- the whole thing could have been pulled off with little effort.  More phone calls resulted in a visit from the garage manager who assured us that he had passed the repair as OK. I asked him if he was implying that we had damaged our own car -- no response. Only by personally visiting the garage and speaking to the general manager did we manage to secure a repair by a skilled fitter.  The car was returned to us and the indoor light now does not go out after the door closes.  We just cannot take any more dealings with Arnold Clark, so will put up with this inconvenience until the first service.  We have already decided to take the car to a small Toyota dealer in Elgin, as we have no intention of letting Arnold Clark's garage near our car again.

LOVE your web page, i bought a Peugeot 106 GTi from 'Arnold' and it was a pile
of shit! I needed a new engine, Cat, and various other things.  They were sooo
unhelpful and rude. Its still not running right and I've had it for over a year
now.  I really don't know how they make any money as they have got so many
unsatisfied customers! Keep up the good work mate and if you've got his home
address let me know So that i can pay him a visit! .

Today's Daily Mail article?
Use it big man, you know it makes sense.

I recently had a problem with my Ford Escort (very poor acceleration, travelling down the motorway at 70, when I got on an uphill stretch the car would slow down to 50 even though I had my foot to the floor). I took the car to two reputable private mechanics who both said (after a thorough check) that I would have to take it to a Ford dealer for a computer diagnostic as they couldn't find anything wrong and there must be a problem with the complex electronics.
So, as they are the only Ford dealers I know of in Aberdeen, I took my car to Arnold Clark. After waiting nearly all day to hear back from them, they finally called and told me that the fault was "low fuel pressure caused by kinked fuel lines and I'm afraid we don't have the parts in stock"
I had my doubts then as I didn't think that the two mechanics that I went to previously would miss something like that. However, I went ahead and arranged for them to order the parts and have the car repaired on the following Friday as I had to drive down to Cheltenham on the Saturday.
Friday. I'm back at Arnold Clark. The person behind the desk is looking confused. After about 10 minutes it is established that there was no booking and the parts had not been ordered. I couldn't believe it. I told them about my planned journey the following day and asked if I could have a courtesy car as it was their fault my car wouldn't be repaired in time. their reply was "I'm sorry we only have two courtesy cars and they are booked solid for about two months". This was just unbelievable. A company the size of Arnold Clark, the largest Ford Dealers in Aberdeen, only has TWO courtesy cars?!?!?!?!?!
Very angrily, I made arrangements for the car to be repaired the following Thursday after I came back from Cheltenham on the Wednesday and told them that I would like to see all parts removed from my car.
Thursday. YES, the car has been repaired. I go to Arnold Clark, pay for the repair, ask to see the removed parts.......................
They have been thrown away.
I will never go to Arnold Clark again unless it is 100% unavoidable!

Bought a car from "Arnold" when i went to collect it they had dented it and
refused to accept liability, failed to provide full tank of fuel that was agreed
at time of purchase, failed to give change for an over 6000 cash purchase. Lied
about the car having an mot and then spent two weeks back tracking. I had to MOT
car myself and although they footed bill not much use as cost me 3 hrs of my
time. .

bought fiat Punto sporting from Arnold Clark, water leaking in foot well, four
months down the line car still leaking, supposedly been fixed twice, they want it
back in for a third time, car is smelly and damp, very disappointed with standard
of supposed repair.

We are a small company at depend on our shared, used, company car for work. 
We can't afford much, but we wanted to do the right thing by it, so we took it
to the AC franchised Rover dealer in the West of Glasgow for repairs and
Never again.  They obviously spotted it was company-owned and thought they could
just screw us for tons of money for unnecessary repairs - including fitting
incredibly cheap nasty tyres that the car's manufacturer would never recommend. 
Repairs carried out poorly every single time and in one case downright
Far cheaper, local mechanic has turned the car into a reliable economic car!
The sad thing is that people think its the cars that are crap - its not, its the
service.  Any product will be unsatisfactory if the service is poor..

yesterday i put my car in for a service and MOT into Arnold Clark Liverpool. I
chose the £89 one with the 41 point check or so they call it. I said can you
have it done by 12 noon as i submitted it to them at 08:45 i thought it would be
possible. They told me it would take 3 hours But as my car was a ford they would
have to order the oil filters etc from fords itself, so they said they would try
to get it ready for 2pm. Bear in mind i had it booked in for a service and MOT a
week and a half weeks before its due up on Sunday. 
Later that day i gets a phone call to my mobile saying i need a new tyre for the
car to pass the mot, they said "do you want me to fit a new one " i said yes you
might as well just to pass it through as the car is only 3 years old and it is
the first MOT its had. Then an hour later towards the end of the day another
phone call " sorry sir we cannot find a tyre suitable today but we can order you
one for Monday, so we can do the MOT then. I wasn't happy but i needed my car
back that day so i arranged for my girlfriend to pick the car up. This cost me
£69 and the car wasn't washed as it says is done on the 41 point check and the
check list wasn't issued and my car has no MOT and run's out on the 16th of this
This is not a good service


Are you really going to buy a car off this company ? PLEASE read some more comments before you decide.