I would like to complain most strongly regarding the quality of service provided
by Paisley Vauxhall. As you will see from the vehicles registration the car is
approx only just 1year old and has been in the workshop numerous times to either
be told the car is fine or requires work to be completed work which I have
detailed below.
When I purchased my Vauxhall car from Arnold Clark I was informed on the
proposed delivery date that the car had been double purchased and had already
been given to another customer.
Only a month or so after the car was eventually delivered I was sent a recall
notice to bring the car in for a safety check at Paisley Vauxhall. While I was
in your specialist service centre I asked the Arnold Clark representative to
please check the steering as I was very unhappy with the so called Power
Assisted Steering which is standard in the model of vehicle I purchased. The
specialist informed me as he was called, that the tyre pressures were a bit low
and required an increase in air pressure.
When I was in the branch I also stated that the vanity mirror on the passenger
side was cracked, I was then told that this was not an item covered under the
vehicle warranty. When I explained that the car is used only by me and it is
very rare for passengers to be in my car it would be almost impossible for me or
anyone else invited into the vehicle to damage the mirror, but again this item
has gone un repaired
In September I realize that the Luggage compartment lock would not open using
the key, this had gone unnoticed as the luggage compartment opens with the
central locking when inspected by Arnold Clark, the proposed repair action was
to order an exact match of boot lock to my key.
As the vehicle was almost at 20k miles I booked the vehicle in for it is
standard service, I explained once more that I was still unhappy with the Power
Assisted Steering. This time the same specialist agreed that the entire steering
system needed replacement, I find it very disturbing that a car less than 1
years old costing approx £9000 needed in excess of £1000 worth of mechanical
work done completed. 
I was informed that Arnold Clark needed to order parts from Vauxhall these
parts took approx 1 month to arrive, missing from this consignment was the boot
lock, which was not ordered by Arnold Clark, I was then told that a replacement
would be ordered and the repair would eventually be completed. As a short-term
action, a temporary boot lock was provided and an extra key was supplied.
In December 2002 I again was in the Arnold Clark branch due to the cold weather
blowing fuses in the engine compartment and I was told once again that the
correct boot lock was not ordered again this has just added to my anger and
disappointment with Arnold Clark.
In February I received no contact from Arnold Clark to tell me when the Boot
lock would arrive, after a number of calls to the branch I finally received
confirmation that again the boot lock was not ordered on my behalf,
approximately 4 weeks ago I received a telephone call from one of the
representatives of the Paisley Vauxhall branch to ask me what the problem was
with my car, when I explained that I was waiting for a new boot lock I was
informed that again it was not ordered and would need to be ordered and would be
in available for fitting the following week, now it has been 3 weeks since my
last contact with Arnold Clark Vauxhall as your representatives have again
failed to contact me. 
I feel it to be disgraceful that I have waited this period of time for what
seems a simple operation of ordering and fitting a vehicle part, I cannot convey
strongly enough how appalled I am at the service I have received from this
supposed reputable branch. From the very start of this episode, I have received
NO apology from anyone at Paisley Vauxhall and have been told on numerous
occasions that, the Service Manager was too busy too talk to me and can he/she
call me back, a phone call that was never received, I have not received any form
of recompense for the inconvenience I have endured by purchasing a vehicle which
has had £1000 of repairs and is still in need of repair 6months later.
I feel it necessary to now contact Vauxhall and inform them of the issues I have
witnessed with this vehicles and the negligence shown by this particular dealer 24/01/2004

Great site. Power to the consumer. I was going to buy a £6,000 motor from this "evil empire" But not now!!!! Is Arnold Clark on President Bush's "Axis of Evil" list. He probably should be. Keep up the good work. . 24/01/2004
My friend bought a little Nissan from AC at Seafield, Edinburgh - in fairness,
not a bad motor (so far). A week after buying it, she knocked the front offside
wing. She was set on going to AC to ask about fixing it, and I convinced her to
let me go along. The 'mechanic' just looked at the wing and spent 5 minutes on
his computer before quoting £430 to fix it 'it needs a new panel'. My friend
didn't take much persuading to take the car to a backstreet bodyshop in Leith. I
told them the tale - they laughed - one bloke got underneath with a hammer,
another with a suction thing on the outside - two minutes - job done. My friend
took it back the next day for a polish up and they charged £45! Hrmmmmm - AC you
were set on ripping this woman off!!!.24/01/2004

I rang a dealership in the north-west the other day and a guy called Paul Brown
answered the phone.  He is a total and utter Scottish prick.  I told him that I
had been given a quote from another dealership nearby and he said unless I was
willing to tell him who with, I could kiss his face.  All I wanted to know, was
whether his Arnold Clark dealership were going to be open normal hours on Good
Friday.  H told me that his sales-people were a bunch of lazy twats and that he
expected them all to work from 8 in the morning until 8 at night - no joke !!!. 
I find him to be pompous, arrogant, over-bearing and ridiculously in love with
himself.  I will never, ever, ever ring this Scottish "front-facing" dealership
again.  People in the North-West deserve to be dealt with by their peers, not by
people from a different country/planet.  I'm all for work equality, but in car
sales, trust in your dealer is a major factor, why doesn't he fuck off back to

I have a Renault Clio sport . It is due its first service ,I was told by Arnold
Clark that I would have to pay £160 to keep my warranty going. So you can imagine
my surprise when I saw an advert for a <major> service for £60.I was told that
the 60pound service; that they do not use genuine renualt parts ;therefore my
warranty would collapse. It does not say anything about this in the advert . When I
pointed this out to them they just shook their heads. Rab .24/01/2004

arsehole Clark sold me a Daewoo last year (brand new) their after
sales is appalling. No one EVER returns calls. No on knows what parts are ordered
and worst of all is the management do not give a shit..24/01/2004

 I was so glad to see you done such a good job on Arnold Clark's web
aspirations. I typed in "Arnold Clark" to various web search engines and Arnold
Clark Sucks comes up trumps on every single one of them. So does "Arnold Clarke" you know that this
means that Mr Clark and his greedy empire wont be able to use the world wide web as a
marketing tool? you know how much this must be costing him? you know that many people will be able to see his company for
what it is? I wish you luck and please please do keep this web site going
because I used to work for Asshole Clark and I know that most of the complaints
are real life situations, I saw what happens daily and can sympathize with these
people. Clark and co will have a hard job convincing web surfers that they can
buy a car with confidence while every single search engine on the planet lists
the sucks sites. pure magic wee man, pure magic. 24 January, 2004

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