I bought a pre-registered 1.8 Toyota Avensis SR from AC in Linwood. Was shown one "similar" in the showroom. Actually told by salesman it had satellite navigation, traction control and tinted windows. Guess what, I had been shown the 2 litre model, the 1.8 had no traction control, the rear windows were only tinted in the normal manner and although there was the screen and controls for sat nav there was none installed (didn't realise this until got it home and couldn't get it to work). Salesman denied he had said these things, despite a 10 minute discussion about buying CD-ROMs for holidays in France.  The attached letters explain more, it gets worse. I have Trading Standards chasing them, but they refuse to return their calls. I have also asked the SMTA to put the case before their committee, but haven't heard anything about it yet. That aside I have never been so poorly treated by sales staff in my life. Once you leave the showroom they pick on a new "best friend".
I will never buy another car from him and have persuaded 3 of my friends who were intending to go there, not too.
I would encourage everyone else to do the same.24/01/2004

My Arnold Clark story comes from about 4 years ago when the new beetles were
just coming out.
You'll be pleased to know that Arnold Clark aren't just inept at servicing,
they're inept at selling too.
I had 20 grand in my back pocket to spend (a company car - I was told I had a
budget - I just needed to choose).
Now you'd imagine someone like me is gold dust to a car dealership. No trade in,
no delays. Just an eager eyed young lad with someone else's big fat cheque to
I knew the Beetles were only available in the UK as left hand drive. But I still
wanted one.
So in I went to Arnold's at Crow Road, Glasgow - their VW dealership.
HIM:  "Can I help you sir?"
ME: "Yes I want to buy a new beetle."
HIM:  (Laughing) "You'll be lucky"
ME:  "Sorry?"
HIM:  "There's an enormous waiting list"
ME:  "Oh. Well could you let me know when they do become available"
HIM:  "Couldn't say. They're like hen's teeth."
ME:  "Well maybe you could call me?"
HIM:  "Er...  ..."alright"
I could see from the hair gel and the way his body was rejecting his suit that
this young "salesman" was not, shall we say, gifted.
What was a gift was a customer like me. I really wanted to spend money. Lots of
it (sadly never been in that position again!) How easy do you have to make it.
But no joy. Not only was I treated like a leper, I never got the call. (I left
my card, but maybe the guy had literacy issues) It's now been 4 years. Maybe I
should call them and ask if the new beetle is available yet?
Actually, maybe they'll be reading this and realise the happy end to my story.
My £17,500 went to Verve in Dalmarnock Road, Glasgow.
I walked in a few weeks after my "Customer service" experience at Arnie's.
ME: "I hear there's a huge waiting list for the new beetle."
THEM: "Not really. Here's three. Which one would you like"
ME:  "That metallic blue one"
THEM:  "No problem. Would you like a CD player?"
ME:  "Thanks"
Now that wasn't difficult, was it? No. So For all those Arnold Clark employees
out there reading this (You know they work at Arnold's cause their lips will be
moving as they read this) consider this a lesson in salesmanship they never
taught you when you were holed up in some Travel lodge looking at flipcharts and
punching the air to "Simply the Best".
When a customer comes in and says "I'd like a..." (insert make and model here)
and it's your job description to, ahem, sell cars, then do them a favour and get
off your behind and try and sell them the car.
At the very least it'll stop you putting creases in your cheap Top Shop suit..24/01/2004

That guy's piece on the Beetle  was a classic.
Let me tell you about an event I witnessed involving the height impaired Mr
C. (why are all small guys so full of themselves?). A lady's car is being worked
on and she needs 2 new tyres (genuine...borderline bald). The lady is being told
this by the workshop foreman when the motor trades' answer to Plato suggests "it
may need 3"...The foreman looks a bit confused, as does the lady, who is probably
herself" Who's this little man in the suit?". She figures out that this is a
stitch-up and says to the foreman "Replace the 2 tyres!". Bet she wondered who the
other guy was
And...why's he got this thing about number plates? Ask anyone who works for them
and they'll laugh...must have "Arnold Clark" number plates according to our
Greek/Scottish philosopher....absolutely barking the man.
This is some site, and you my friend deserve a medal!.24/01/2004

I have recently purchased a car from Mr C himself.
The 2 front tyres (or should that be slicks?) are going bald so fast even Just
For Men can't hide it. When I called up to complain I was told that I was
outside my 30 day warranty period by 1 day and that my tyres could wear down in
a few days because I was driving like a maniac!!
So I later called up again and complained and was given the utmost amount of
lies that anyone could ever tell (even Pinocchio couldn't tell that many!!)
So if your buying a car buy it from Arthur Daley Motors, who will give you a
much better deal..

I have only just found your website after having been told about it whilst out looking for a new car for my better half! About a year ago I purchase an R plate Nissan Primera. During purchase of the car, we noted that there was a small hole in the exhaust, and asked for this too be repaired before the car came to me. After a 15 week delay, (there were problems sorting the finance - I have NEVER been in any debt ever, and have an immaculate credit history, but they managed to find a fantastic deal (but forgot to tell me about the full details of the repayments) and eventually gave me the car which I had paid the deposit on weeks before hand) I got the car. Two weeks after, the exhaust blew! Not too concerned, thinking that the original hole must have been in the front box, and that now the back box had gone, I took the car to get sorted. Asking on the off chance if the exhaust had been repaired, I was told that no part of the exhaust was new, nor had any patch work or repair been done. I promptly took the car back to Arnold Clark Stirling (where I purchased the car) and asked if the work could now be done. I was told that I would have to wait a week and then it would take one full day to the work (one day to replace an exhaust?!).
I wrote to MR Clark, and let him know how dissatisfied I was with his service, the wait and the poor customer care, and had no response. So 3 months later, I wrote again, stating I found his lack of response most offensive. I got a reply, that whilst he apologizes for the inconvenience, reviewing the records, the dealer had been in the right all along.....oh well, they win.....
And then today, a friend of mine took there two year old Micra (brought from Weir in Stirling just after they got shot of their Nissan Dealer status), in to get its warranty service. Of course the Car had to go to AC for its warranty work, and has now come back with a serious (as in life threatening) fault - one of the nuts on the suspension set up had been left hand tightened....... how long with this level of poor customer service continue, gross misconduct and dangerous carry on persist?! Not only that it seems that AC are now taking over the world, most Nissan dealers in Scotland are AC and they are taking over other makes as well!!
Cheers for now, I will keep reading the website to see developments...keep up the good work!

We bought a new Nissan X Trail from Arnold Clarks, Seafield, Edinburgh and it
has only 1,000 miles on the clock and already it has broken down twice, been on
the back of a tow truck twice - was in the garage for 6 days the last time.  We
have contacted Nissan (GB) Ltd who were so helpful - they sent us a list of
dealers and logged our complaint on their database!.

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