How much would you expect to recode a remote locking keyfob? Arnold Clark
Renault reckoned £54.05 wasn't unreasonable for this service. Mind you, they
reckon £150 for an oil & filter change is also reasonable.  This is disguised as
their 20000mile service, which doesn't even merit a change of plugs these days!
The only other thing they did was a recall on the passenger airbag, which came
back wrongly fitted, and has to go back for a full day's work to put right,
apparently. Oh, and they missed a badly damaged tyre, which we pointed out to
them before it went in. Kwikfit condemned the tyre. Avoid them like SARS..25.4.2003

Many thanks for this very informative site. I was interested in a 51 plated
Honda Accord Arnold Clarke have for sale at their Wigan branch and so typed
their details in to look at it but since I have seen so many emails from their
disgruntled customers I don't think I'll bother.26.4.2003

Bought BMW Thursday, Friday it fail to respond as i visited petrol station, bump
start eventually at my defo defo defo last try (for the 1000th time!!!!!!)
Saturday morn 8am i go to collect my son aged 5 who is disabled and also the
sole reason i NEED a car, again the battery is in bad mood  and long story short
attitudes and courtesy car returned after 40minutes with engine warning lamp
ablaze i couldn't take any more in 1 day i return home refusing brand new megane
courtesy car, we planned going away treat for kids, 8am i set off to go and
6.30pm return home having not even seeing my son who is now as i write still
with my mum, i am totally wholly completely utterly gutted and shattered and i
cannot believe that this happened to me, i really honestly don't think for one
minute MR Clark would allow his company to operate in this way and abuse the
trust of customers.26.4.2003

Within one week of buying my used car i noticed that is was letting water in at
the drivers door and the rear screen wasn't working properly. I asked for these
to be fixed. They blamed me for the windscreen saying that is was fine when they
had it, so i must have damaged it......No Chance!!!
I wasn't having any of it so i was quite demanding and embarrassing in the
showroom that they said right fine we'll repair it...They made it worse than it
As for the leak, the car has now been in four times and they still can't fix
it. They are now blaming the manufacturer  saying it is a design fault. Somehow i
don't believe them!!!!!!!!!
Trying to get a part exchange on another car.....28.4.2003

I bought a so called brand new astra gsi from Arnold only to discover that it
had been pre registered in his name .
so i took it back but was told its yours , i pointed out that the sales rep sold
me a new car not 2nd hand,
they said that it wasn't  so i said why are there 2 names on the log book ,
ah! thats because we had to pre register it to get our sales bonus , so i gave
the rep 7 days to replace the car with a new one or I'd go to the fraud squad
,he said try ,
i did he got sacked i got my money back ,i then imported the same car £4500
cheaper from Belgium badged as a vauxhall not opel.. so i say don't go any where
near Arnold...........29.4.2003

Logging on to Arnold Clarks web site looking for a car to purchase when I came
across your site I will certainly not be buying a car from this dealer, thank
you you have saved me thousands..30.4.2003

n August 1999 I bought a Ford Escort with only 17000 miles on the clock it was overpriced i thought at £7200 for an R123 ABC registration.  The car had no problems at first and as usual i was sucked in to this extended warranty crap, it was about four months into having the car that it started to cut out and the engine fuse kept blowing every time the car was started we took it in for a service at the Arnold Clark Helensburgh branch 2 days later we were called to say that there was £2000 repairs needed done to the car: front drivers suspension was ready to collapse, all electrical components in the engine were melting and needed a whole new electrical system, wheel bearings leaking badly, bushes, whole new exhaust system and many more but list is endless.  I gave the go ahead for them to do the work thinking that my warranty would cover a lot of the repairs.  Five days later i was told my car was ready to be picked up.  Got my car home in ran ok for about four hours then the same crap started happening again cutting out so in the end i took it back to Dumbarton branch and traded it in for a brand new Nissan Almera which i can say no problems ever occurred with the car but thats only cause Arnold Clark never got there hands on it. Recently i had to trade my Almera in for a bigger car but under the impression that my other car had no problems went back to them for a third occasion.  On 31 January 2003 i picked up my new Vauxhall Vectra.  The next day my wife drove the car less than a mile from our home when smoke started pouring from the engine and also into the inside of the car. The local garage was right next door so she went to them to take a look. They were very helpful and inspected the car immediately only to discover the car had no power steering fluid at all the pump was dry and the steering column was about to snap.  They told us the car was never looked at before leaving the garage and also the MOT was invalid due to these problems.  We were told not to drive the car as we would be endangering our lives, which prompted us to get a full RAC inspection of the car at home before contacting A.C.  RAC was out the same day, only to discover that there was even more problems than the garage had told us about, radiator ready to fall off, every belt in the engine was about to snap, steering rack was leaking badly, power steering reservoir leaking major, car scratched from end to end, the list is endless.  So we were £180 out of pocket for the RAC report, next day contacted A.C and got put straight onto the branch manager Gordon Brown who was less than concerned that the car was sent out to a customer unroadworthy and could have killed someone and with a full valid Mot certificate.  Under my 30 warranty i demanded that i have my traded car back and to stick their car in their arse's and was told the deal was final and i could do nothing about it now.  He offered us to come in and speak to him personally and so he could see the RAC report before our repairs would be done.  This was fine with ourselves so we went up in a friends car as ours was unusable.  He agreed to repair all the damages but could not provide a courtesy car for a further 5 days so we waited but at that point i arranged for an Mot examiner to check the car out, but as soon as A.C found this out suddenly a courtesy car sitting at my door and a silly mechanic was demanding my keys.  In the end i gave them to him, as soon as it left i contacted the Mot people who followed the car to the garage but when they arrived the car been there for half and hour and it was totally stripped down so no evidence against them could be found, but that was the people who had nothing to hide.  12 days later my car was returned, when collecting it i asked for a signed copy of all the repairs that was done and was promised they would be in the post, funny 4 months later and I'm still waiting.  For keeping my mouth shut and not taking the company further i was offered 3 free services. 29/04/03  and my car needs a service, takes it in and no one can remember that offer being arranged but the Manager has agreed to do an oil and air filter change for nothing  but no more free services.  I would advise anyone buying a car stay well away from Arnold Clark and watch other dealers he has also bought other companies just under different names. Arnold motto is IF YOU WANT A SHITE CAR A CRAP DEAL THE HE'S THE MAN TO SEE!!!!!!!!!! 30.4.2003

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