Arnold Clark Sucks



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Just a little advice for everyone here. I went along to the auction in Royston
the other day and it was an ex- fleet sale. All 02 reg cars. A merry band of
Arnies men were there snapping them up. Mainly Vectras. All going for around
£8K. Thought I would have a nosey at their Vauxhall place in Linwood and sure
enough there they were, at the "unbeatable" price of £12995. So they are making
£5K a car. My advice, get a bank loan, go to the auction and take the risk. OK
no warrranty, not much time to check them out but hey, what use in Arnolds
warranty anyway. At least at the auction if you buy a pile of crap you don't pay
much for it! 21.6.2003

I am an employee, and have been for 8 years, whilst I agree that we have some
unbelievably nasty people working for us, most of the comments I have read are
directed at these individuals.
Don't forget Arnold is the 'Puppet Master', he pulls the strings, makes the
decisions and lets them all get on with it in any manner they feel fit. The
monthly meetings which the managers have are apparently nothing more than him
bleating on about how good he is and making funny comments about customer
A couple of years ago our manager told us that one of the Directors made a
comment at the meeting about another manager who had over a hundred complaints
in a month and asked him if he was going for a record, this achieved the biggest
laugh of the day.
Have you ever seen a complaint in the Sunday Mail? Neither have I.
The nastier you are the better you will get on, that's why I'm still on half of
sweet 'f' all as a wage. If you are seen to bow down to the customer you are
weak, it is not about customer service it is all about money and more
importantly keeping it. 
I now get ridiculed in my local because I work for him, it used to be a
privilege but now we are all numbers and the company has turned into one big
cash machine irrespective of the costs to the customer.21.6.2003

just to say-glad you told us all about Arnold Clark I wont be using these Tossers22.6.2003
I recently bought a honda Civic (4 years old) from Arnold Clark in seafield,
Edinburgh. I was promised a full (dealer spec)service before I picked the car up
but when I got it home I found the car hadn't been serviced at all. I took the
car back and spoke to the service manager who agreed the car had not been
serviced and blamed it on a 'busy' week and the mechanic who was responsible
couldn't explain himself as he was on holiday in Barbados!
I would urge anyone not to buy a car from 'Uncle Arnold' BUT IF THEY DO, MAKE

From: Disgruntled Staff ()
Here's a little advice from the inside of Arnie's empire!
If you're thinking of buying a new car from the wee dandruff merchant, chances
are you really won't get a worse buying experience than you would at any other
dealer.. and I've worked for a few.  Do a little research before you go, know
what you want for your car and fight for it.  If they won't budge... go
somewhere else.
IF HOWEVER, you're looking at a used car.... that's a different story
altogether.  Check it over from top to toe, have the AA or RAC check it over,
have your mates check it over, have the fraud squad check it over, have the Pope
check it over..... cos the wee man's staff WONT!  Pretty much anything over 3
years old gets nothing done to it prior to it going home with you unless you
point it out yourself and make sure it's done BEFORE you drive off in it.  This
is usually because they can't get the repairs done under the manufacturers
warranty period.
As for the extended warranty offered..... the paper it's printed on is worth
more than what it covers.  Go online and check out some of the extended
warranties offered by independent companies, they're far better and mean you can
take your car to non-Arnie franchises.
I've read a lot of the stuff posted here and none of it surprises me.  I've been
in the motor trade for over 15 years and NOTHING prepared me for the deathtraps
he's prepared to put on the roads to save a few quid.
The staff he employs are treated like slaves too.  Moral in many of his
dealerships is at rock bottom with the wages he pays and what he expects of his
minions.  There are some genuinely good people within his business but they get
p*ssed off pretty quick and move on.  It took me a while to realise this but
it's my turn to go soon!!
Remember - BUYER BEWARE! 24.6.2003

the school mini bus in the Helensburgh area is a death trap, i noticed last
year as i traveled to derby in the thing. check them out 25.6.2003

Looking at buying a second hand Toyota Avensis from Arnold Clark Fiat Alison
Street Glasgow.  On the Saturday I arrived to look at the car it was raining
heavily.  When I looked in the boot and lifted the carpet to look at the spare
tyre, the whole areas was flooded with water.  The salesman pointed out that
this wasn't a good selling point!!!
On another occasion I enquired about a car over the phone and was told it was
immaculate.  On arriving to examine the car it had a had a bump and the front
nearside indicator was damaged???
Why do Arnold Clark salesmen lie so much?25.6.2003

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