Arnold Clark Sucks



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A few years ago my wife's Vauxhall Nova was coming up to it's 1st MOT. We had a
letter from the local A.C. in Linwood (whose computer was obviously able to
track such a milestone) offering cheap MOT.
Being impressed by such corporate diligence I took the car along, this car had
around 25,000 miles on the clock and would you "Adam and Eve" it!
MOT Failure
1)CV Gaiters worn and require replacement!
2)Rear Wheel bearing worn, needs replaced!
3)Front suspension and brakes dodgy!
Estimated total to pass MOT £185.00+VAT
I then took the car round to the local honest Joe, MOT done within the hour,
replaced 1 wiper blade, cost £42.00
What a shower!! 31.7.2003

Hi, I bought a car from Arnold SHARK about three years ago. Their service was shit, the car had RUST on the body which they patched up, unknown to me a few years later it, showed up on the door, the bonnet etc etc......

I put my car in for it's first MOT about three years ago and they were so arrogant to me at the service centre. I had to ask if the car had passed or failed, after interrupting their conversation at reception. I WOULD NEVER GO BACK TO THIS OLD ARSEHOLE ------ HE IS A SHARK. BIGGER THAN JAWS.




I wanted to buy a Golf GT Tdi and went into ACs on Crow Road. They offered a
pittance my car for part exchange and would not negotiate on price unless I
got to the point of wanting to place the order. Went in again 3 days later,
spoke to the same salesman who did not remember me despite talking to him for an
hour a few days before. Tried to negotiate but seemed to be against a brick
wall. No joy. He seemed to want me to get another price so that he could have a
go at beating it.
I went to Verve and did some negotiation, got a good price so placed an order
there and then. Got a deal at least £1200 less than AC were offering but the
salesman was so much more professional, I wanted to buy from him. 4.8.2003

I bought a brand new Toyota Hilux Pickup from Arnold Clark in Aberdeen a few
years ago for my business. I needed to buy another car about a month later, so
went back to the same dealer thinking he would look after me since I had just
spent 18k the month before. I chose a VW Passat Estate which was ideal. When I
went to pick it up, the steering pulled hard to one side. I told them I would
not accept it in this condition. They took it back promising to repair it.
Again, I went to pick it up and again the same problem. On the third attempt,
the problem was not totally sorted, but I needed the car to run my business, so
took it, saying I would return the following week to get it repaired again. When
I took it back, I was far from happy with the car. I told the salesman that I
would like to choose another car from the forecourt, as this one was
unsatisfactory. I chose a Vauxhall Carlton Saloon, which wasn't ideal but was the
same value as I had paid for the Passat (5K). The salesman
then told me they would give me 2.5k for the passat as a trade-in....a
whopping 2.5 K loss in 2 weeks!!! I complained to the manager but was
threatened. I then put a large notice in the car stating what had happened, and
parked it outside Arnold Clark. They called the police...who came and talked to
me. I explained the situation and they said that was fair enough. I left the car
there over the Saturday night, and in the morning it was wrapped in packing
tape.. I called the police who then went and had a stern word with the manager..
I tried to contact Arnold Clark for about a week, but never got any further than
his secretary. I ended up selling the car a few months later at a huge loss. I
would recommend that NOBODY buy a car from this dodgy second hand car salesman!!
ps - Just for the record its nice to see that Arnold uses his ill gotten gains
buying Simon Le Bon's yacht 'Drum', which is now kept at Rhu...4.8.2003

I would like these comments passed on to your chairman immediately.
I think you must be one of the most uncaring businesses that I have had the
misfortune to deal with.
My wife took a Citroen Picasso through Motability at the end of March, at
the time I did question the availability of courtesy cars and was advised by
the salesman that usually there needs to be a few days notice, but no
problems. This car has a fault with the electronics management system and
you tried to fix it already, I believe the Eco mode has been overridden to
hide the problem as the system has not worked as it should since then. There
is also the problem of a door p[panel that comes off the door, that was
supposedly fixed too. I now find what looks like paint/masking tape marks on
the front bumper.
My problem is that I cannot get the car seen to as the fault is
intermittent, and as your staff say, if I want a replacement car, then the
RAC has to declare the car un useable, then they would supply the car, not
Arnold Clark.
I explained what your sales staff said at the time we signed up but she said
something like "look, I am here to tell you the truth". Does that mean the
salesman misled us?
I have a wife who is in a wheelchair, has had 2 brain operations and
chemotherapy in the last 4 months, yet your company will not supply a
replacement car while repairs are carried out. This is a disgrace!!
At the moment, it is almost impossible to use the car for the fear of
breakdown, the last time the RAC brought the car into you we had to wait
over two and a half hours in warm sunshine. This sort of thing obviously
affects my wife's symptoms. I have to plan every outing carefully and we
cannot afford to break down and be left stranded for hours.
Please ensure this gets to your board and I get a response tomorrow, I will
also be making enquiries as to how to make contact directly.
You know, I saw that web site about you and thought , well how could they
affect us with a new car. Now I know. 5.8.2003

Went to AC in Kilmarnock, took a few test drives on different models,
finally agreed a deal after much heavy sales pitch.
Salesman indicated, I'd won a watch as the window price tag was wrong by
£1k but still proceeded to give me further discount......
Shook on the deal and stated I'd be back the next day to complete the deal.
Took a half days holiday, organised the banker draft, went back the next
day but they had changed the price.
Told me I couldn't get the car for the agreed deal 24hours earlier !!!
Great Customer Service even before I parted with £10K+ cash, no finance and
no trade in.
Funny thing was, they offered to do a deal on other cars........
So, they screwed me well and truly even before I bought.
Great, lousy Customer Service and they thought I would still buy from them.
The "Head" Sales Mgr looked like a cross between Joe Bugner and a rather
over weight Freddy Kruger.
An Arnold Sucks fan 7.8.2003

Hi,went through search engine for car mat and somehow came to this. I usually
don't waste my time on forums since I type really slow but this subject I have
to comment on.
I bought a 306 about 3 weeks back and I've been back 3 times so far. The first
time I went I listed all the stuff needed to be done , they copy down the list
and got the simplest once not done, but a try . They connected back the wires
that was cut from my back speakers and read the rest of the list back to me and
said there was nothing wrong or "we adjusted them for u , give them a try". so
of course a normal customer would believe that shit and take the motor away. To
find out that things they said adjusted was not. one of the problem was a weak
water sprayer on windscreen and anyone could notice that hadn't changed). Also
the back speakers buzz when I use them . What is the f***ing point of connecting
back the speakers if they don't work properly. You would think they would say it
to u before they give u the car back."Ok , fine .I'll just take the car back and
tell them. maybe they didn't notice" So I went back, the guy at the deck give me
this shit about the sales department!
won't authorise new speakers so I said I don't want new speakers , just the
problem sorted. He sent this mechanic out to see the problem and said he'll order
new speakers in . What was the sales department not authorising thing all about?
Ok , so I go the second time hoping to get them changed and thats it , after
they were "fitted " I tried them, they were just the same as before. Went back
and they checked, said they need to order another set of speakers. I don't think
they changed them to begin with. Like a push over I am I agreed to come back
again when the speakers come in . Still not showed my disappointment to them
Ok, so I go back the third time and this time they have no courtesy car for me
when I clearly booked it along with the appointment for the car .Then they sent
this guy out to go over the sales department won't authorise thing to me . Don't
know why because they were ordered and ready. After I said that he just sort of
went to another subject straight away. He told me to go and come back 2 days
later .not even a formal apology. still waiting on the day to come ,I wonder
what's next.
Out of all this I think this is how they work inside:
Do the easy bit , wait till they complain again for the rest, but say u seen to
them though
Only fix what they said was wrong, nothing more.
(eg. speakers don't work ,connect the wires only, who cares if they don't work
go over the sale department won't authorise routine, the sucker may say "I pay"
or "don't want them fixed" 7.8.2003

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