Arnold Clark Sucks |
READ HERE WHAT SOME PEOPLE HAVE TO SAY Please update your bookmarks. |
I have just found your website doing a search as I could not get onto the Arnold Clark website. I have just recently being having a bit of trouble with my N Reg Clio which I have had for nearly 7 years and which I bought from another dealer, it has been a marvellous little car. I have been following the Arnold Clark advertisements for a few weeks now amongst others with the intention of buying a new or very nearly new car approx between 8 and 10 Grand. AC prices seemed pretty favorable and I was thinking about taking a trip down to Dundee to have a look at what they had. VERY VERY FORTUNATELY for me I discovered this website and to my horror I have found disgusting if not unbelievable stories about the whole Arnold Clark set up. It appears to me this car dealer lacks honesty, sincerity and integrity and his staff do not care about their customers in the slightest. This giant car dealer certainly needs to be brought to book for what appears to be near criminal acts. Well Mr Clark if you do read this let me tell you that there is no way I will be parting with my hard earned cash to give to you, in fact I will be passing on this website to everyone I know and I urge everyone who reads it also to do the same. It is simple, attach the website to your composed e-mail and send it to everyone on your address book and so it multiplies. Once again thanks to everyone who contribute to this website you have saved me a fortune. 22.9.2003 |
A couple of years ago my girlfriend took her Ford Fiesta 1.6 Si to Arnold Clark's in Aberdeen to get it serviced. When it came out of the garage it wasn't running as smoothly as before, so we had it independently checked and found that two of the spark plugs were totally unsuitable for that type of car and the air and oil filters, which we'd been charged for, hadn't been replaced, the old ones were still in place. I've heard from a few folk who have had the same happen to them about Aberdeen... 22.9.2003 |
I made the dire mistake of taking my 6 month old Fiat Multipla to AC in Alison St, Glasgow because it was convenient. They discovered a fault in the glow plug circuit and told me that since it was a manufacturing defect it wasn’t covered by the warranty!!! Work that logic out. I would have to pay them and then try to get the money back from Fiat UK. I got Reg Vardy in Springburn to pick the car up and fix it, no charge of course and a courtesy car thrown in. A totally different attitude from the rude indifference at Arnold Clarks. Having once met the man I’m sure it all stems from the top
I cannot really be bothered to go through my extensive list of Arnold encounters (I'm trying hard to forget)- However it is strangely comforting to read the numerous e-mails of complaint from fellow sufferers. I'm glad I'm not alone. 22.9.2003 |
Looking for advice really, I like the Renault Clio's at the
Warrington branch of Arnold Clarks, on good finance and offer a free years insurance (just passed and 21yrs old so very attractive) just wondering if you have had any complaints about Warrington's Arnold Clarks?? I found your site on google when i was looking for Arnolds own site, never knew they had such a bad rep. 22.9.2003 |
I recently bought a Renault Clio X Reg vehicle from Arnold Clark in July 03, 13,600 miles. Since I bought the car I have had an endless amount of problems and I am still fighting an endless battle. I purchased my car from the Motherwell branch, on 3rd July. When I arrived the salesman wasn't prepared for me, coming up with some excuse about the car not being ready yet. After being left in their showroom for about 3 hours, they were then ready to go through all the paperwork with me and took my cash without any problems. After receiving their "30 Day Warranty" and all the other paperwork, they appeared with the car. My boyfriend and I jumped into the car and drove off extremely happy with our 5k buy. As soon as I started to pull away the vehicle began to make a loud "crunching" noise, I immediately jumped back out of the car and shouted to Tony, the salesman, that there was a noise coming from car and I needed them to fix it before I drove it away, and to fill the car with the half tank that was agreed at the time of the sale. He told me that he would need to book it into the service centre to have it repair, and that he would call me to tell me what time it was booked in for. (this immediately began to ring alarm bells in my head, I don't understand why they couldn't have just drove it into the garage for a look at the time). Next day, still no call from AC. Had to take more time off work to take the car in to get looked at as the noise was getting worse. When I drove in, I explained I had only purchased the car the day before, so they took the car away and arrived back with it 2 hours later stating it was fixed. When asked what the problem was, I was reluctantly told the "CV needed lubricating" Why? After having the car 4 days, the speedometer stopped entirely, the accelerator starting sticking, all the dash and interior was shaking like made when the vehicle was idle and in motion, the list goes on. When my speedo stopped I immediately went into AC to let them know and their attitude was "I'm too busy to deal with you". I left their branch astonished that they could send me away knowing that they had sold me a vehicle that was "unfit for it's purpose". I booked the car in, but wrote a letter this time complaining about the treatment I had received and requesting that they guarantee the mileage on the car and to give me full list of the items they repaired and what they did. I got the car back after a week, with the everything repaired apart from the accelerator, but no letter guaranteeing the mileage. (It's only had 1 MOT which AC carried out). I put the car back in for repair as the electric window had fell in on me whilst driving and to get the accelerator fixed. I got it back after another week stating that the problem was fixed. I had to put the car back in for repair again as the accelerator was still sticking, but at this point the Sales Manager "Scott" had promised me a full refund if the problem still wasn't fixed. It came back to me after another week stating that it was fixed, but yet again wasn't, they were still adamant they wanted to fix it so I put it in for repair again, but this time they took it to Renault and then called me to say that there is no problem. The Service Manager "Eddie" then accused me of it being my driving, and basically told me I was lying ( I didn't even know such a problem could exist). Trading Standards have been no help, (to be honest they all appear to be on first name terms and be best of pals), and they have been telling me one thing then stating something else. Don't know where to turn now as I'm now left with a piece shit, that isn't roadworthy, and they are allowed to get away with this because no legislation has been introduced to avoid future occurrences. 22.9.2003 |
I must be a bigger mug than most! I went back for more. I first bought a Renault scenic from Arnies Dundee everything was fine until I went to get an mot and tax, it was then that I found out that the car had a different number to that on the reg doc so after getting my mot I couldn't get the tax. When I contacted Arnies I was made to feel that I was causing a bit of a stir about nothing and I was being very unreasonable when I asked them to give me a courtesy car while they got it sorted out. Thank God I was not involved in an accident as no doubt my insurance would most likely have been void. The second time I went to buy another scenic as I was pleased with my first I entered into a bargain with Arnies Dundee and was given a price for my trade in (not as much as I would have liked but what the hell) then a week prior to the close of the deal I received a phone call telling me that the price offered to me was now in dispute. On questioning this I was told 'I don't know where! e you got that price from' I said it was from him. He then denied ever offering me this price which is a total and utter lie. I will never use Arnies in Dundee again, as they have proven themselves to be untrustworthy and very lacking in after sales service. Arnies can shove their PROMISES where the sun don't shine. 23.9.2003 |
My window wipers on my Renault Scenic broke and I had to call the AA to get me home. The AA diagnosed that the link arm was loose and required a new part. He managed a temporary repair and replace the covers and wipers. He was 30 mins in total making the diagnosis, repairing and replacing the covers. He did this in a car park with no special tools. He advised that I should get a new part soon as the temporary repair would not last. I contacted the Arnold Clark garage in Stirling who had the required part. I asked if they could fit the part and they asked me to enquire at the service desk when I came to collect the part. I collected the wiper link arm from the parts department and asked the service desk if they could make the repair. I was told that the job would take 2 hours and that it would be later in the week before they could schedule the task. I mentioned that the AA guy only took 30 mins but they were insistent that the time for the job was 2 hours. I returned home and decided on tackling the repair myself. It took me 25 mins it total to remove the covers, replace the part and replace the covers, wipers etc. I suppose I should be grateful that they saved me over £60, but it is hardly good customer service! No more Arnold Clark experience for me, this is the latest in a long line of disasters. It makes you wonder why large multinational companies such as Renault place such a big investment in the hands of such incompetence. 23.9.2003 |
AC should stand for ABSOLUTE CRAP!!! Recent service/MOT at AC Lady Lane, Paisley, for my Renault Laguna. It failed MOT because of rear brake cylinders leaking. I cant see them getting the alloy wheels off to check this as I have locking wheel nut in my pocket! But the GOOD news!, they can fix them for about £300 if I got new shoes as WELL!!! and re MOT it at the same time, WOW, I am impressed. But even though, I decline, and take it to a local mechanic, who fixes it for £90,(only 1 cylinder weeping, but I decide to do the 2 and shoes as well) and Mot'd at different garage, who nearly failed it on windscreen wiper blades. Obviously, AC couldn't make much money on blades but could operate a money laundering scam on something else! But rest assured, I or anybody I know who I have told this to, will never go to AC again for a light bulb never mind a SERVICE and MOT SPECIAL 24.9.2003 |
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