Arnold Clark Sucks |
READ HERE WHAT SOME PEOPLE HAVE TO SAY Please update your bookmarks. |
if you buy an Arnold Clark car after reading through these e-mails you must be mork from ork let me give you an example talking from experience i purchased a car from a/c in the fife town of kirkcaldy Volvo franchise Darren the salesman's name. he sold me a Volkswagen polo y reg 48000 miles on the clock in red. test drove the car, seemed to be pulling to one side near side]. pointed this out to the sales man he said the car had to go into the workshop for a full check over on completion of a sale prior to hand over ,so i bought the car and as agreed would pick the car up one day later .so took delivery still the car pulling to one side went back to the garage got the workshop foreman and explained what the car was doing he said it was because of the camber of the road i got my own car mechanic [or the person who repairs my car ]to look at it and he showed me that the front strut had a slight twist or bend in it and the sump had a dent in it as well he reckoned it had hit something rather hard i also did notice that the steering wheel was very slightly of centre but thought nothing of it when test driving the car so i went back to the garage and showed the garage the sump first and then the strut which by the way was leaking fluid and it had just been mot'd by the said garage. they said i must have hit a pothole as the car was ok when it left the garage so i called my mechanic he came right over and basically told them that that strut had been leaking for a while and if it was not sorted the car would be taken up to the ministry of transport testing bays to be checked over in the end they did the strut but they would not do the sump as it was not leaking. another thing my mechanic told me to ask them was or had the timing belt been changed as the car was coming into the window for changing they said they had. my mechanic checked it and you've guest it no they had not. Arnold Clark you can stick your cars where the sun don't shine 4.10.2003 |
mechanics are rushing about daft to complete jobs for Arnold, and
rushing through repairs to get the next job in. EVERYTHING IS RUSHED TO MAKE ARNOLD MONEY £55 AN HOUR LABOUR RATE & mechanics only see around about £6.30per hour so why should we spend longer checking cars if the only person making money is Arnold 4.10.2003 |
I am a previous employee of “Arnold Clark”. My background is in management, but decided to take a break and try my hand at sales for a few years. I was a good professional salesman and worked for a few companies. I am now back as a senior manager with a blue chip company and have no hesitation in spilling the beans on the Arnold con game. Arnold has my vote as the most incompetent Managing Director of the year. The old codger has lost control of his company and has become a laughing stock. He is clinging on and will not relinquish control of the company, when you see his son’s you realise why. He has hired executives on their previous ability to drive sales and not on ability or quality of work. Sure, sales are the lifeblood of any retail company, but good customer service is the pillar that will support it. The tactics used on the sales floor and back up services directly relate from the Sales Directors requirement to drive sales and the Service Directors need to show an ever increasing turnover of serviced cars and profit retained. THIS IS WHY SO MANY OF ARNOLDS CUSTOMERS HAVE PROBLEMS. You might think, but any company will want to drive sales and profit, and that’s true but the difference is that they will provide support services to enable their staff to deliver a company vision to the customer. Arnold however, will not spend any of his ill-gotten gains on true staff training and chooses to gloss over this and a good salesman or service manager is only rewarded for the sales or profit from each transaction. I have read some the e-mails sent in by your website visitors and can relate to the problems they have. I know how the organisation works and I can say that if they keep going about it in the way that I am reading then they will not get very far. CUSTOMERS WITH PROBLEMS CAN GET RESULTS BY DOING THE FOLLOWING WITH ARNOLD’S; - Contact the garage first and give them the opportunity to fix the problem. A caution note here, always ask them to contact you with an estimate BEFORE any work or proposed further work is carried out or you will be emptying your wallet or purse at an alarming rate. - Don’t spend much time or energy on the garage just go on to the next step. - I know this sounds limp, but contact the Citizens Advice. They know what the law is and the buttons to push and Arnold know this, so when they get a call from them they will immediately adopt a professional approach and you will stand a better chance of getting your problem fixed. - The next thing to do is find out more about the “Small Claims Court ” procedures. I do not have time to go into every aspect here, but this is an inexpensive way of getting results. It cost something like £50 - £70 to get your case before this court, but that’s not the point. Pay a solicitor £50 to get a letter sent to Arnold stating that you intend to proceed with a claim through the Small Courts and that you will give him 2 weeks to resolve the matter. You need to resolve all prerequisites for the small court i.e.: give Arnold every opportunity to solve your problem. Because the letter has come from a solicitors, Arnold will have the letter sent directly to his legal advisors as a matter of policy and they will advise Arnold that he will have to fork out £££££££’s for court and solicitor representation (you don’t need any). ARNOLD WILL BACK DOWN. If after doing all of the above, Arnold decides to defend the case in court then you will have to admit defeat as you are most likely wrong. His solicitors will not have advised him to go unless they are certain of winning the case and will not go to court if there is any possibility of loosing. I hope this will help some of you. 5.10.2003 |
I came across your site and although my story is somewhat different from others told in that it deals with AC Rental as opposed to buying a car from AC, it seems that the whole workforce are just as bad whether you rent or buy from them. On Monday 1st September of this year I booked a Transit van for a four-hour rental for the end of that week. I was assured that my booking could be honoured. However, when I arrived at the Girdleness Road complex on the Thursday I was informed that there was no suitable vehicle available and that I would have to accept a Luton style vehicle instead. I reluctantly accepted the Luton vehicle, but on returning home was informed in a message left telephone on my telephone answering machine that I had allegedly been involved in an incident at the Girdleness Road complex involving another car. I checked the vehicle with 3 other members of my family and could find no damage whatsoever. On returning to the complex in the afternoon I was met by one of the staff from AC's rental department who immediately disappeared with the Luton van. She returned some 20 or so minutes later and stated that the vehicle had been damaged. She also informed me that the damage to the other vehicle was in the region of £350.00. I asked to inspect the other vehicle, but this request was denied. Instead the young lady took me out to the vehicle I had hired and showed me a slight paint mark on the offside side of the vehicle, I maintain that this mark was not there when I returned the vehicle. I was unhappy with the situation and asked to speak with the rental manager. I was told that she was on annual leave. I asked to speak with the complex manager, Mr Alistair Collie. He reluctantly agreed to speak with me, but became very aggressive and said that three of his staff had allegedly witnessed the incident and implied that I was a liar. He asked me to leave the premises. Following correspondence via the AC website I received a reply from Mr Jeff Clark, Manager of Arnold Clark, Van and Rental in Stirling. In that letter Mr Clark repeated the same allegations made by Mr Collie, informs me that he has passed the matter on to AC insurers and invites me to complete an Accident Incident Form. I replied to Mr Clark indicating that I totally refuted that I had been involved in any incident and inviting him to respond to the points I had raised in my previous correspondence, viz. 1)I was not permitted at any time to inspect the alleged damaged vehicle 2)The rental vehicle was taken away immediately upon my return, with no inspection for damage in my presence 3)Failure to provide me with the type of vehicle I had pre-booked 4)Failure to have a suitable deputy, in the absence of the Rental Manager being on Annual Leave, with which to deal with my grievances 5)The attitude of both Mr Collie and the staff of the rental department left a great deal to be desired. I was verbally abused, called a liar, and although I denied causing damage to a vehicle and was happy to involve the police in the matter, Mr Collie declined to contact the police on my behalf 6)That Arnold Clark Rental deducted an amount (£100), which differed from that of the excess (£150) from my visa card without my express consent, although this figure was re-credited to the card later that same day. In his subsequent letter Mr Clark advised me that he had decided not to proceed with a claim against me for alleged damage. He indicated to me that he considered the matter was now closed but failed to provide any response relating the above points. It seems that a cheap rental from AC may end up costing you hundreds of pounds! 5.10.2003 |
Find your website very interesting. I am glad that I am not the only one who regrets buying from AC. i purchased a megane which has spent more time in the garage than on the road. Within seven months and multiple repairs I have a burst cylinder head gasket. As the car is on Hire purchase I am now trying the tactic of "rejecting the goods". 5.10.2003 |
Put Seat Leon in for 50000 mile service at Arnold Clark, Sighthill Edinburgh. When I booked service (3 weeks before) I told them that the coolant light was coming on and needed to be investigated. Also I would need 2 front tyres. Imagine my surprise when I went to collect the car. They told me that they had pressured tested the coolant system and all was OK. So why does the coolant light come on then and I have to top up coolant - blank stare and a shrug of the shoulders. Even better they noted on their worksheet that I NEEDED 2 FRONT TYRES - the very reason I booked the car in in the first place. Excuses were - the tyres were not in stock and that they had no time. Surely they know the make and model of car and they know the tyres so they could have had them in stock. Even better, they tried to charge me for the service until I pointed out that I had a service plan. They just don't care about car servicing and customer satisfaction. 6.10.2003 |
I recently bought a Clio 1.2 RN from Arnold Clark. Within 2 days of buying the car the engine stopped working then it would start a day later then it would stop working again. On the 3rd occasion I refused to take the Clio back and they gave me a courtesy car a top of the range Clio Billabong - wait for it - THE SAME THING HAPPENED, I was told by Mr Clark it was my driving but low and behold it wasn't. After the mechanic had been using it to drive backwards and forwards to his home, some 50 miles a day, the same happened to him. It was discovered that the immobiliser on the car had not been coded correctly with the chip in the key. When they told me they would fix it it was at a cost of £170.00. I refused to pay and refused to give the courtesy car back. The were adamant and so was I, I gave back the courtesy care and contacted WATCHDOG, The Scottish Motor Trade Association (independent arbitration) my finance company and their HO. When I told them the SMTA and Watchdog had been in touch they freaked and couldn't do enough. I have asked for a written agreement that it will not happen again and they are probably going to make a good will gesture to me - I'm still waiting. MY ADVICE contact SMTA, Citizen Advice Bureau and never let it rest THEY ARE A BUNCH OF COWBOYS 6.10.2003 |
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