Arnold Clark Sucks |
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Hi, just got back from Arnold Clarks in Motherwell, I have bought a car from them in February this year, anyway I took out the Clark Cover insurance for my Peace of mind as it says in the leaflet they gave me, so I get my car on the 14th of February, on the 15th of February my son was rushed into hospital where he stayed for 7 weeks until sadly he passed away aged 14, with not being at work I thought at least my car will be paid with the insurance, that will give me time to sort things out before I return to work........Wrong they wouldn't pay out due to the fact me not being at work was stress and i needed to be under a consultant psychiatrist before they would pay out. Anyway yesterday I took my car into them due to a burst water pipe next to the radiator, I also have the peace of mind Autocare insurance in case I have problems with the car, they told me I couldn't have a hired car due to the fact I took the car to them. after haggling with Autocare on the phone I managed! to get a car for 24 hours, by the way the job would have taken me 10 minutes to do it myself, but I was under the impression it would have been taken care of by Autocare........wrong they said it was wear and tear and I was not covered, they charged me £53 to put a new hose on the car, the hose was £6 and the anti-freeze was also £ as you can imagine I feel well and truly done....what really gets up my nose is the leaflet with the words peace of mind cover.....Grr I heard the Real Arnold Clark on radio the other day giving a new car away.......easy to do that when he can rip people off left right and center. 4.11.2003 |
Went to Arnold Clarks at the Nissan Garage at Kingsway, Dundee. I was told i couldn't have a test drive without giving them my home telephone number. I didn't get a test drive. Had my son with me, he was totally embarrassed. I bought my last car, a Nissan, from Arnold Clark. 5.11.2003 |
after being conned by Arnold myself i really
don't know how these so called salesmen and support staff can sleep at night knowing that there are so many unhappy customers out there and how they get away with i.e. think the laws need to be changed so that when you get a warranty it covers all the major parts no question if,s or buts after all he does make a lot of money on his cars. I bought a Citreon Saxo SX from the Volvo franchise in kirkcaldy car was a ex motability car 29000k miles it had done with the Citroen history all seemed ok at first then i had one problem after another [oh by the way it was x reg] first the engine started making a knocking noise this started when i was driving back home i did not get home as the engine gave a muffled bang and ground to a halt i had a look under the bonnet and i noticed that the lower bulkhead was soaked with engine oil phoned my friend who was a mechanic he came over and had a look under the car he told me that the sump nut was not there. but i drove five miles before this happened he asked me if i heard any unusual sounds i told him the engine did start to knock and got louder and then stopped with a bang he said that the engine was shot through lack of oil re absent sump plug well i phoned up Arnold Clark and told them what had happened they came out next morning as i had a 30 day warranty and this was day three so they took the car in and told me that someone must have slackened the sump plug for this to happen i could not believe what i was hear ing i told them that the only people that were near the car were their mechanics well as luck would have it my friend has a pal who works in another branch of Arnies who knows the foreman at the kirkcaldy branch they got talking about the days events at the workshop the foreman told him that one of the apprentice mechanics had changed the oil on my car put the sump plug in turned it two or three threads and went for his tea break when he came back he forgot to tighten it up and stuck the car outside and then it was valeted because they were in such a rush i think the fore man forgot to double check the job on my car after the foreman thought about it and he knew i was very angry that even to suggest that i had tampered with the car was crazy well after that i had to see the salesman as to what was to happen next the car would have to get a new engine which they would have to honour the cost of. the little matter of a courtesy car. they did not have one at present but would tomorrow do as it was Friday i said yes as i did not need a car till Monday for my work two weeks later i got the car back the performance was very poor on the new engine and i had the car back for numerous leaks from the coolant and i had to get another sump gasket fitted as it was leaking also the clutch also packed up also and all this happened because the foreman did not check his apprentices work Arnold Clark won't get any more business from me or my family oh by the way the apprentice owned up to his error as another workmate in the workshop told him to remember to finish the job when tea break was done did he no he did not don't go to Arnies or ar*ES THEY SHOULD BE CALLED WELL THATS ALL BYE 5.11.2003 |
Just a quick note to say that i was really pissed off with Arnold Clark i own a N reg Corsa Sport that is in really good condition - anyway i paid £3000 for it when i got it (not from Arnolds) and wanted to trade it in a year later (book price then £2300) in a fair condition but i would say mine was more than fair - the sales man at Arnold's told me he would give me £500 as a trade in - i told him it was a joke especially when the book price was nearly 5x as much a that and it wasn't as if i was trading it in for a cheap used car - i wanted to trade it in against a megane coupe sport at approx £8,000 - so i told him to shove it up his ass and i would go elsewhere - i mean come on £500 is just a pure insult and then just last week i saw a car the same as mine in a garage (this is now another year later and fair enough it was a year newer than mine but they were selling it for £3000) goes to show don't it.6.11.2003 |
I recently purchased a brand new Punto 1.2 active from Arnold Clark in Aberdeen. The day after I bought it I had to return it as it had no indicators on the passenger side. I then got my car back with damaged screws on the dash where they had removed it to repair the fault (broken wire). I then discovered that my stereo no longer worked after them having the car for a few hours. I returned again to get a new stereo but they said I would have to wait two weeks to get my stereo repaired. It has now taken three weeks and still do not have my stereo back. A light on my dash keeps flashing on, they tested it and say there is no fault and won't investigate it further because their computer says there is nothing wrong. I have been disappointed ever since purchasing my car as the service is in my opinion poor and unhelpful. The service manager has been rude, patronising and sarcastic to me and I feel that he is highly unprofessional. I would now as a result never purchase another car from Arnold Clark as I have had nothing but problems and a lack of professionalism from them. Thanks for the site, 6.11.2003 |
i personally do not know why people go to Arnold Clark to buy their cars it used to be that when you bought a new car they could not do enough for you and made sure you were satisfied with there service to you. now after they have your cash they seem less than interested in your so called winges.let me give you an example, a friend of mine bought a ford fiesta Zetec a 51 model 2 years old+ fairly high miles 36k now his friend who was a mechanic told him to insist on a timing belt change as if it went it could cause untold damage to the engine there are also spigot bearings etc to change whilst the car is dismantled anyway so they agreed to do the timing gear. so he got the car and the usual 1 month warranty two weeks after he got the car a clicking noise which seemed to be in time with the engine speed started to appear and it got louder as the day went on so he decided to head back to the garage but he did not get that far as the car came to a halt after a thud he did not try to start it but he phoned his friend he came over he tried to turn the engine by the bottom pulley but could not i think its something to do with the timing belt. so phoned the garage and they came to pick the car up as it was Saturday i did not need a courtesy car but if the problem was going to take time as in a week i need a car they would let me know before 1 ;o'clock as they were finished then i got a phone call at twelve o clock to come in to the garage so i went in and the work shop foreman came out its bad news he said that the crank shaft had gone i phoned my friend and he came over to the garage he had a look at it he asked where the timing belt was they said that it would not be any use as it would have been destroyed with the failure of the crank shaft and they put it in the bucket he noticed that the cam pulley was slightly bent but the crank shaft pulley was ok he looked down the side of the engine and he could see what looked like a bit of a timing belt jammed behind the bottom pulley don't bull s**t me my friend said i know what's happened here you have not done the timing belt and don't come away with any cock and bull stories with me as i am a fully qualified fitter the timing belt had broken and probably bent the valves the cam pulley had bent with the strain the w/shop foreman looked kind of worried my friend explained that if the car was not sorted then he would get the engine checked to see if the spigot bearings had been replaced well they did the job and by the looks of it they had to put a new cylinder head on the car and all because they tried to save a few bob and not change the timing belt car runs ok but not as good as it used to if this is the quality of service they provide i think i will risk buying private and take my friend with me to check the car out and i will save money as well oh by the way the clicking noise was the timing belt starting to break up well thats all except to say do not buy a car from Arnold Clark Volvo franchise in kirkcaldy they are a bunch of crooks thats where i unfortunately bought my car never again will i be at Mr Clark's forecourt's well thats all date 07/11/03 car purchased 07/07/03 have sold car on and bought private got a car at a great price; bye; 7.11.2003 |
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