Arnold Clark Sucks |
READ HERE WHAT SOME PEOPLE HAVE TO SAY Please update your bookmarks. |
This is a very long saga cut short. The
jist of it is I have a Vauxhall Astra which is still under 2 years old and
is now on it's 3rd new engine thanks to
Arnold Clark. I purchased the car in November 2002 and everything
was going well until September last year when the engine started sounded
really loud, like a taxi running. So I phoned my local garage and
booked it in and was told the car needed a new engine. Since then
it's been in and out the garage on six separate occasions due to a
recurring oil leak and had the engine replaced again. The oil leaks
have ruined my newly laid driveway, which I shall pursue further with
"customer care". I have no faith left in either the
car or Arnold Clark and would truthfully advise people not to purchase
their vehicles from Arnie, because you will be lied to, no doubt about it. If
you don't believe me, just read all these other comments too, they speak
for themselves.
car is 15 months old and only done 9000miles and the clutch is slipping like
crazy. I contacted Arnold Clark Citroen Dunkeld
Road Perth and got no help whatsoever , in fact the service manager was
totally arrogant and said the car is over 12 months old so tough even
although the car had 3 years warranty. I
had to phone Citroen I
then phoned Arnold Clark to say that my boyfriend who is a mechanic had
checked the car and the clutch was definitely faulty and they said to bring
it in to the workshop and they would check it free of charge. They
then tried to charge me half an hour labour .I was quoted £545 for a new
clutch from Arnold Clark as it was driver error. A lot
of waffle. They
then contacted Citroen I
cannot afford £545 for a new clutch on a car 15 months old and 9000 miles. I
am a careful driver and I am sure the clutch must have been faulty but the
car is off the road and Arnold Clark’s attitude is tough. 17.1.2004 |
Couldn't believe it when I found this site. I work for Mr.
Clark, who is unbelievably soon to be Sir Arnold.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, I am pleased to be
able to vent my fury after being treated like sh**e for far too long. I
won't go into details but there is something that I think all you AC
haters should know. The reason why there are so many tales of nearly new
cars turning out to be piles of crap could be because of Mr. Clarks
policy of using brand new cars in the Hire division.
From here they will be used daily for between 6 and 12
months. I work at a Hire Drive and believe me these cars get hammered.
The tales I could tell would probably bore you to death, but take my
word for it. With 12,000 miles or so on the clock, they go off for sale.
But it's not easy miles these cars do. Basically when they leave us they
are nearly always already on their way to being sheds. One example I saw
with my own eyes was a Seat Leon that we had from new. It got pasted
like the rest for a few months and then went of for sale to another
branch. It was a 51 plate and I couldn't believe my eyes when a few
weeks later I visited one of our other branches and saw the very same
car taking pride of place in their showroom. You could see where all the
dents and scuffs had been although it did look very shiny. The price
they were asking was 8895, new price was 9995. I was shocked but it did
explain a few things. The person who bought this car will no doubt have
got it on final!
nce and think he or she got a good deal. What they
probably didn't know was that this car had been treated as a bag of sh**e
for a number of months and had already had one hell of a beating for a
car of it's age. I don't know if he declares them as ex-hire cars but I
doubt it. So the next time you go into a AC branch, beware. You could be
being duped.
17.1.2004 |
I purchased a Citroen for my wife when
we found out she was pregnant she had an old banger and I thought
it would be safer for her to have a newer car)
To cut a long story short and simply because
I'm so bored repeating my tale of woe to Arnold Clark personnel the cars
engine blew up on the M8 Kingston Bridge. I phoned my sales man and
his manager, who promptly gave me a taxi number and told me I may be
able to claim it back( bearing in mind I only purchased this car 29 days
prior and my wife was by this time seriously pregnant) I took the taxi
number and went home with the grim satisfaction that when the "real
Arnold Clark" heard about this these guys would be out on their
arses quicker than their fat little legs could carry them. However the
old shite never replied to my more tactile letters, phone calls and
e-mails so when I seen your site I was I'm sorry to say pretty happy I
had someone to grumble to. By the way I bought my wife a new care from motor point
across the road from Arnold Clark so fuck him and his smarmy gomeless salespeople
. And I have now deleted the real radio breakfast show from my morning
listening on the way from work since they are sponsored and blatantly
advertise for him
17.1.2004 |
To begin with I bought a used car from Arnold Clarks
motor superstore in Motherwell, a Vauxhall corsa in 2002. About a month
after buying it we tried to put the rear seat down to transport
something to a friends house. Well... the back seat got stuck in a semi
upright position and wouldn't go forwards or back to it's correct
position, so we took it to the local Arnold Clark garage in Helensburgh,
where it was supposedly fixed, or so we thought. (Stupid people we are
didn't think we needed to check that this had actually been done) Anyway
about four months later we needed to put the back seat down again,
and...yep you guessed it, it did exactly the same thing again, so back
to Arnold Clark we went, they did a temporary repair and said that we
needed a "clip" for it. WHICH THEY WANTED TO CHARGE US
FOR!!!!!!!! We informed them that the problem was a recurring one and
that it had supposedly been repaired four months prior to that, but they
still tried to charge us £32 for the re!
pair. We still haven't paid it!!! They tried to say that
we had to pay because it was repaired the first time and we should have
brought it to their attention sooner if it wasn't. Now, I may be what
the people at these places call a "stupid woman driver" but,
come on, how often does the average person need to collapse the back
seat of a car? Plus, they'd conveniently lost the previous "job
card"!!!! Ummmm!!!
The next run in with them was the supposedly "free
MOT" that comes with the extended warrantee. We took the car in for
its free MOT, and guess what??? Yep, IT FAILED!!!! On numerous points
that would cost us around £100 to put right. So, after the last time we
were understandably suspicious so my husband took the car to the garage
he usually uses for an MOT to be done there.... surprise, surprise, it
passed with flying colours!!!!
Next, was an Arnolds service, again done at the
Helensburgh branch. The car was booked in for it's service, and the
service was done, or so we thought!!! When we went to collect the car we
discovered they'd done the WRONG SERVICE, they'd done a minor one and it
should have been a major one. When we pointed out their mistake, they
wanted to charge us the full price for the correct service to be
Finally, was just this past week. My "T" Reg,
1999 corsa broke down on me last Saturday we took advantage of the
recovery service included in the extended warrantee and the car was
taken to Arnold Clarks Helensburgh branch again. The guy from the
recovery centre was brilliant, he called after we'd got home to tell us
that we should call the garage on Monday morning to arrange for a
replacement car while mine was being repaired. Following his advice I
called Arnold Clarks Helensburgh, and was asked if I'd mind
"hanging fire" on the courtesy car until someone had looked at
the car and they knew how long it was going to take to repair, I was
assured it would be looked at and at least assessed that day. So I
stupidly agreed to wait. I waited all day and finally called them at
around 3.30pm only to be told that the mechanic had quickly looked at it
and couldn't work out what was wrong and they didn't know when someone
was going to be able to look at it again, oh and the courtesy !
car had just conveniently been booked out half an hour
before I called!!!!!!! When hubby came home he was furious and called
them telling them that I needed a replacement car, so they said they'd
have one brought up from the hire drive department in Dumbarton for the
following morning, if I was there for around 9.30am they'd have a car
for me, but I would have to ARRANGE MY OWN INSURANCE????????? Prior to
this we hadn't even heard of garages making their customers get their
own insurance for a courtesy car, any other times the garage has covered
this on their own insurance!!!! We weren't too happy with this but we
thought, at least I'd have the use of a car. Tuesday morning came and as
hubby was working a neighbours husband had kindly offered to take me
down to collect the hire car. We arrived at the Helensburgh branch at
just after 9.30am, only to be told "We're sorry but there's been a
slight hold up the car will be here shortly." Errrrrr.... we waited
until 10.45am!!!! We!
ll, at least the car was here now! Hmmmmmm... the car
they'd sent was a brand new Renault Scenic, worth about £12K, but there
was no engine size or anything in the information, so we had to hang
around for another half hour while they found this out. With this
information to hand, the lady on the service desk called my insurance
company who very kindly informed me that this car would cost me £25.50
PER DAY to insure. Now, what makes me think that Arnolds knew this would
happen and did it on purpose???? Considering my car is a 1.0 litre
corsa, they send a great big 1.6 Renault Scenic, and don't expect us to
figure out what they're up to???? THEN they decide to tell me that
they're short staffed in the service department and so my car probably
wouldn't get even looked at until the following Monday or Tuesday.
Anyway, I called hubby at work and he told me to tell
them to shove it. So I left, again careless!!!! Hubby took the afternoon
off and called the garage he uses again, and he told us that he's
actually an approved auto care garage, so hubby took the car from
Arnolds and took it to him. It took him an hour, and apparently the
problem was the fuel filter, he also told us that if Arnold Clark said
they'd serviced the car before collection when I bought it, they were
lying, the fuel filter hadn't been changed from the car being new!!!
Further to this, we broke down again on the same day as
collecting the car. So, we again called out the recovery guys, who tried
to tell us that the car had to go to Arnold Clarks!!! I DON'T THINK
SO!!!!!!!! But we eventually managed to persuade them to take the car to
the garage we preferred using!!! Only to discover there's a different
problem now, the speed sensor!!!
We've also tried to find the service details of the car,
but all we have is the "stamp" in the books all done by Arnold
Clark, funnily enough, the fuel filter is supposed to be changed at 20k
miles, there was a service done at 18k and then the one just prior to my
collecting the car at 23.5k. We tried to trace which branches had done
these services so we called Arnold Clark Motherwell who had no record
apart from it being an ex-contract hire car, which we weren't told about
when we bought the car, otherwise we wouldn't have even considered
buying it. The lady listed on the V5 as being the previous owner is
ex-directory so we can't contact her either, to try and find out where
she had the car serviced.
We are totally disgusted with Arnold Clark Automobiles,
and will NEVER EVER buy another car from them again.
I'm don't usually make a habit of making complaints
public, but this particular company has just gone WAY OVER THE SCORE.
They really have to take first prize for diabolical treatment of their
customers, and I am so grateful that this site gives people like me an
opportunity to warn anyone considering using the company to THINK AGAIN
and STAY CLEAR!!!!!!!!!!
18.1.2004 |
Saw your site before. Excellent! Unfortunately, forgot
about it and have recently had a service carried out on our new
Zafira.Since then sounds like rubbing brakes or'down to metal'shoes.
Took it back to service station - "nothing wrong" problems
getting worse. Having re-read your site in more detail the possible
reality of having my discs/brakes replaced by worn ones from another
vehicle whilst in for service - is making me feel rather uneasy! I'll
take the car to another outlet, not ac's and report back. Thanks 18/1/04
18.1.2004 |
bought a car from Arnold Clark
in prestwick road ayr 2.20 td I paid
£500 for a warranty and every time something went wrong said not under
warranty after buying the car they couldn't
care less about you. ill never buy a car from them again I
took my car to rover dealer in prestwick road ayr problem was no water
coming out back window washer but water was leaking from back
of car so I
phoned them they said bring it in next day so I
did 10 o clock had car to 1.0clock said was a big job I
said ok so I went home and asked my
friend to have a look at it he is a mechanic teacher
at college, he laughed and laughed
came out to car joined a hose took less than 3 minutes
and said they are a joke yes Bryson
in prestwick a scandal he said your not the first and you'll
not be the last so Bryson kiss my
fucking arse that's
the last.
19.1.2004 |
I put my car in for a service
unfortunately I forgot to leave
my alloy wheels locking key
I put the car in early morning
I did not notice until tea time
I ran round with the key and
was told we were just about to
phone you your car is ready
well gob smacked is an under-
statement so they don't look at
the brakes on a major service
guess where I won't be taking
my car for a service
20.1.2004 |
I bought a saxo vts from Perth it is a very
bad car and I have resorted to taking it back . now I am going to lose
£2000 after all the problems I have had with this particular branch I
thought the least they could do would be to clear the debt totally but
no ! I would advise anyone who is thinking of buying a car from AC not
to they are really shite.
20.1.2004 |
Went to Arnold Clark in
Kilmarnock for a look around.....soon approached by a smooth talking
salesman who showed me lots of cars in my price range....every car except
the one I wanted....with added extras of course, like free warranty and
service plans.....had a meeting to go to so agreed to go back
later....which I did.....and soon found myself signing a 4yr credit
agreement for a car that I didn't really want at a price I couldn't really
afford....getting diddly squat for my trade in and the added extras of
course were no longer included in the price but simply added to the price.
I found all this amazing as I had been refused the previous 3 loan
applications from the bank for a measly couple of grand and here I was
getting credit for over 8. Went online to check my prices to see if I had
misheard the salesman and found your site....after many attempts/days
eventually got hold of the salesman and cancelled my agreement....was
supposed to collect it glad I didn't cos mighty weight
lifted off of shoulders. CHEERS!! 20.1.2004
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