Arnold Clark Sucks |
READ HERE WHAT SOME PEOPLE HAVE TO SAY Please update your bookmarks. |
I purchased an 850 estate from your Aberdeen Volvo
dealership early this month and have had to endure several return trips to
your Dealership due to faults with the car; this not only cost me money in
terms of fuel but also in terms of time, I am a family man.
I once again dropped the car off for repairs on Saturday
24th January 2004 and was given a courtesy car. The car was very low on
fuel and I barely made it to a garage.
I drove the car on Sunday the 25th January 2004 and needed
to use the screen washer whilst on the A90 dual carriageway. No water came
out and the screen became opaque.
I was in effect blind and had no way off the carriageway
for several miles.
All I could do was to stay close behind a lorry and
follow it as it would have been very dangerous to stop in the actual
carriageway itself; I eventually managed with great difficulty, to
negotiate my way into a parking area.
I found the bonnet release and it appeared to be broken, I
could not open the bonnet.
I had to use water from a puddle to clean the screen and
with a clear screen made my way to a Shell station where I stopped and
again tried to open the bonnet. I could not.
I called my wife and asked her to call Arnold Clarke
Aberdeen for assistance and help and if all else failed I would call
assistance myself.
My wife spoke to a man in sales who was anything but
sympathetic, indeed my wife has told me he tried to twist the story and
said his hands were tied and that there was nothing he could do.
He told my wife I should have taken the car back to the
dealership on the Saturday, how could I, I did not know I had been given a
car without screen wash!
He also said I should not have driven the car to Dundee; I
did not know the car did not have screen wash.
This man failed to understand that my wife was asking for
help from a so-called professional, he was anything but!
My wife told him the bonnet catch appeared to be broken.
This arrogant person told my wife there was no way the catch was broken.
He seemed more interested in confrontation than helping a
This person then called me on my mobile telephone.
I had spoken with my wife and was angered by the dismissive
way he spoke to her.
I told him I was extremely unhappy and indeed I was very
angry as I had just been in a life-threatening situation and was in mild
He really could not care less and left me reeling.
He told me in a very brutal voice ‘’don’t you ever
speak to me that way again you cunt!’’ How dare he speak to me this
way! Is he mentally ill?
I am afraid at this point I had had enough and told him
exactly what I thought of him and the way he was dealing with the
I asked to speak to the dealer principal and he put
the phone down.
Arnold Clarke Aberdeen did not contact me again.
I called your breakdown number, they failed to recognise
the car’s registration and said their truck was off the
I took a call from Arnold Clarke Vauxhall in Dundee who had
been told that all the car needed was screen wash.
I had repeatedly told the breakdown operator that the
bonnet catch was broken.
A very professional man in Dundee called
Mike Andrews confirmed this, he managed to open the bonnet
and fill the car with screen wash.
Mike was a real gentleman and confirmed that the bonnet
catch seemed to be faulty.
I believe your Aberdeen Volvo branch should reassess the
way it deals with customers.
Whoever I spoke to in Aberdeen was a very nasty piece of
work and should not be representing Arnold Clarke.
I could have been involved in a serious accident due to
this error, which also meant I driving illegally!
I will not discuss this matter with the person in Aberdeen
again and indeed if he attempts approach me when I collect my car next
weekend I will not engage in conversation; if he appears threatening I
will not hesitate to call the Police.
I hope this Formal Complaint is taken with the utmost
seriousness and that I will be able to put my trust in Arnold Clarke to
behave more professionally and attentively in future.
25.1.2004 |
I have a three year old punto, bought from new at a dealer
down south (not Arnold Clarke), but since I now live in Dundee, and I have
a Fiat extended warranty which means I have to have work carried out by an
authorised fiat dealer, and Arnold Clarke appears to have the monopoly, I
have no choice other than to take my car to Arnold.
Last summer my car reached 3 years meaning it needed its
first MOT. I was going to be away on holiday over the date when the MOT
was due so booked the car in for a couple of days prior to the due date.
Not wanting to have my car in the garage more than once I thought it could
have its 36000mile service at the same time. But no, on arriving at the
garage I was told that Arnold could not carry out the
36000mile/3year service because the car was not officially 3years old
until 4 days later, but they could offer me the 41point service instead,
which I was assured was the same deal as the 36000mile service but at a
fraction of the cost. Not one to be taken in so easily I declined the
41point service and just opted for the MOT. It took all day for the MOT to
be carried out, despite being told that my car would be ready by
lunchtime, so around 5pm I collected my car, paid the fee and was told it
had passed its MOT with flying colours, not a problem in sight.
So, the next day I embarked on the 520mile journey to my
parents house in the south of England in good faith that my car was
roadworthy. It was the hottest day of the year and I was cursing myself
for buying a black car with no air conditioning! On arrival at home I
discovered my father had booked the car into the dealer I had originally
bought the car from for them to carry out the 36000mile service, which
they were happy to carry out despite the car not being 3years old for
another couple of days. During the service it was discovered that my two
front tyres were worn to the extent of being illegal, and my two front
brakes were worn down to the metalwork. I also needed a new clutch, and
had an oil leak from the gearbox. Surely an MOT would have picked up on
the tyres and brakes if nothing else??? I was informed by the southern
dealer that had they MOT'd the car it would not have passed.
On returning from my holiday two weeks later I took
the matter up with Arnold Clarke but was told that an MOT is only valid on
the day it is certified, and the wear on my tyres and brakes was probably
caused during the 520mile drive south. I don't think so... I then spoke to
a reporter from the Daily Record who was interested in the story, but the
newspaper forbade it to be published due to Arnold Clarke being a large
advertiser and they couldn't risk losing that income.
I never intend to take my car back to Arnold Clarke, but if
anyone knows of an alternative dealer in the Dundee area it would be good
to know about, otherwise I will be making the journey to the south of
England every time my car needs work doing on it.
27.1.2004 |
Congratulations to the creator of this site at
taking the initiative to do something positive about his/her
experiences with Arnold Clark. I hope this site contributes to
a more balanced view of what can be potentially be expected
when considering buying from Arnold Clark.
I'm also dismayed that Arnold Clark
seem to take an unhelpful, defensive stance when responding to
customer issues rather than attempt to improve the quality of
service and goods on offer to consumers. This says a lot for the
company's goals and priorities.
I bought a second hand rover from
the Dundee Dock Street branch 2 years ago. Under no
circumstance would I buy from Arnold Clark again.
Within a week of buying my car the
starter failed and had to be replaced.
In spite of the warranty stating that I
would be provided with a courtesy vehicle while the car was being
repaired, when I asked about this I was told that there were no cars
available, after my insistence, I was given the use of an
alternative car a day later.
Within two weeks the exhaust was found to be
rusty and holed and was required to be repaired. Strange that Arnold
Clark MOT pre-sales had failed to notice the exhaust.
(Within a year the exhaust had to be
replaced at my expense).
The warranty I purchased was not valid it
seems unless an 'approved' ( by Arnold Clark) engineer had serviced
the car. Likewise, this was a condition attached to the offer of
the 'free' MOT which was 'promised' but certainly not
According to the log book, a
routine service had not been carried out while the car was in Arnold
Clarks hands.
My impressions are that sales staff were
more than happy to sell, however after sales service left a lot to
be desired. In my dealings with the company, I generally experienced
poor service and in trying to get someone to respond to my
complaints I was passed through a chain of various departments
and people. I thought my experience was a one off but it appears
that poor service and poor quality goods are endemic features of
this company.
I hope that my own experience might make
potential customers more aware of potential problems when dealing with
this car dealer.
27.1.2004 |
I bought 2 cars at once from big
arnies terminators in kilmarnock- I stumped up for the crap warranty- It
covers you from bumper to bumper (as long as you walk round the car!!)
Anyway after several failed attempts to claim back on the warranty with
minor faults like steering lock jamming on (wear and tear I was told- what
do you expect from a second hand car I was told) god sent retribution on Arnold
from a great height- My car was serviced on the Thursday and on the Saturday
many miles from Home my timing belt went for a Burton- Arnold had to haul
me home and give me a courtesy car and rebuild my engine and guess what
the service report said- timing belt checked and ok- stupid eejits- Boy
was the service manager not happy when I went in smiling- I must be one of
a rare breed of people who got some pleasure out of their car self
destructing- So I would agree with your website Sir Arnold is just too big
and out of control 27.1.2004
just an update to let you know
that the new car we got from
weir's at Perth is causing us
no problems at all and their
after sales is v,good they have
sent us a letter to make sure
that if there is anything that
they can do don't hesitate to
call them that's the difference
between a real garage and Arnold. Clark well that's all
for now bye
27.1.2004 |
Hi all be aware don't buy f
k all from this load of crap p that is the a Clark set up .bought new tata
from them ,10 miles later lights went safety alarm for doors, heater hose
door locks, leak at back door ,seat belt warning light door warning light
etc.etc.etc.etc. that was after i had spoke to the man himself and
he gave me his promise it was a great motor ?What a heap of shit. repairs
what a laugh car was lucky if it went a day without another fault,thy only
would part exchange for other motor and I lost 2000.ARNOLD like many of
your previous customers stick your cars where the sun don't shine because
your company is one big JOKE. Sir Arnold Clark the shark that's more like
27.1.2004 |
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