Arnold Clark Sucks |
READ HERE WHAT SOME PEOPLE HAVE TO SAY Please update your bookmarks. |
It's great to see someone taking action against some of these
rogue companies and showing that the little man can win - I now know NOT to
ever go near Arnold Clarke motors THANKYOU!! 6.2.2004
I wish I had found this site before I agreed to purchase a
vehicle from Sir Arnold!!
I purchased a new Rover and Paid for it in Full and was
promised I could collect it on Thursday 5.2.04, an hour before I was due
to collect the vehicle I was phoned and told the DVLA was holding up the
process due to my transfer of a private plate, I was promised a call back,
which never happened, I have phoned 7 times today to find out what is
happening and every time I'm told the salesman who sold me the car is busy
or out of the showroom, more lies!!!
Here's hoping I eventually get some joy today.
Please heed the advice on this site DO NOT BUY FROM ARNOLD
7.2.2004 |
I bought a Peugeot 306 from them. The salesman was all
over me. As soon as I bought it, there service was terrible.
Arrogant, badly organised and sloppy. I'll never buy a car from
them again! 7.2.2004
Its not a bad thing to have a company which is almost a
monopoly now (because that's how the manufacturers want it anyway) being
lambasted for poor servicing and rip-offs of which I was on the receiving
end as well. P.S. I even emailed them to complain and they don't even
reply....if they don't give a shit then kiss goodbye to another customer
uncle Arnie! 7.2.2004
It is reassuring to see that I am not the only
respectable citizen to have the piss ripped out of me...
The story started 3 years ago when I decided to buy a Peugeot
from BALFIELD RD, DUNDEE. Before it was even taken out of the showroom,
me and my boyfriend had to point out a chip in the windscreen, which we
asked to be fixed. It was claimed to be fixed (which we later
discovered to be a complete and utter lie... big thank you to auto glass
for that one!)
Within the first two weeks of ownership, the windscreen
wash pump failed, and we discovered that our brakes were in a dangerous
condition. Of course we went back, complained to staff who gave us
the impression that they didn't really give a shit, but it got fixed
Then the exhaust literally fell off...
Again, back to Arnold Clark, and to the same arseholes
behind the desk. We were not at all impressed with the service, it
was really shitty to say the least...
Six months down the line, it was time for a service. The
car comes back with 'minor' problems and we get charged over 40 quid for
a top op of anti-freeze, plus other rather unnecessary work...
40 quid for a top up of antifreeze!!! I could have done
it myself for fuck-all..... bastards!
There has been many other little problems along the line,
including a sunroof which we have NEVER known to work properly, and a
strange rattling from the back which nobody seems to be able to resolve.
Next time (although I would strongly advise you not to)
you visit your BALFIELD RD, DUNDEE Arnold Clark. If a bloke called
RUDY approaches you, then kick him the balls for me please....
7.2.2004 |
I bought a brand new Renault Laguna from Arnold Clark at
the Warrington Branch. The fun and games start here, After waiting 15
weeks for delivery the car was then recalled by Renault on several
occasions, after the work had been carried out by Arnies boys I went to
collect the vehicle only to find a rather large dint in the drivers door, Eventually
with some persistence they fixed the door. Then I had trouble with the
drivers side electric window, the window had jammed while open, so I
called the Renault assistance of which they said a new motor was required,
so another trip to Arnold where the job was completed only for the same
thing to happen a few days later. The cd player then packed in, it was
taken away by for testing after 3 weeks I was contacted by a lady from
Arnold Clark to say that a new one was needed and that she would order one
straight away, after 2 weeks I contacted them but they had no record of
the order, a further 6 weeks until the stereo was fitted. A!
nd finally just to show the level of service you can expect
from Arnold I had problems with the interior lights, in that they remained
lit permanently when a door was opened and did not go out when the door
was then closed, So lets say for instance you were dropping some one off
at night the second a door was opened the inside of the car was lit up
like a Christmas tree the only way to solve having to drive Home like this
was to turn off the engine reset the alarm then restart the engine. So I
went to see Arnold Clark with this problem, they took the car for a day
then called me in the evening to say that the car was ready and the
problem sorted, They told me that it was a timer problem with the door switch. When
collecting the car and whilst still in the car park I started the engine
then opened the door no lights at all so I closed the door thought it a
bit odd as the interior lights should come on and then off as the door closes, Then
I noticed the work that had been carried!
out by Arnold Clark the member off staff had just
turned the interior lights to the off position so the problem had not been
solved at all they had merely tried to fob me off, I went straight back in
and challenged them over this they then changed their minds saying that a
new timer switch was needed and that they would order one straight away,
That was in July 2003 and I am still waiting. Fortunately I sold the car
on 5th Feb. So I will never have to do business with Arnold again, Thank
7.2.2004 |
at Arnold Clark
do not know what they are talking about, ended up my "turbo
diesel" did not have a turbo.....and to think that for months I
felt elated when I
"felt" my non existent
turbo "kicking in" what
a laugh. shows how the mind can play tricks. finally, a friendly expert
pointed out that I
did not have a turbo...I
got compensation from Arnies
-a tank of fuel. read up plenty before you buy and maybe get the AA to
check the car out, must be worth the money. the point is, is any garage
reputable. any good stories so that I
could go where I
know I
could buy my next car in confidence?
8.2.2004 |
My wife and I bought a brand new Peugeot 206 from this
dump- we were the very first customers to shop there since Arnold Clark
took over a year or so ago. When we got the car, after it was late by
over a week, it was dirty- the car I had traded in was cleaner than the
one I had bought!!!- The shoddy salesman's excuse -'We thought you were
so keen to get the car that we didn't bother to do the pre delivery
cleanup' -unbelievable I know, but true. Add to that the promised £700
loyalty bonus was also delayed -'by Peugeots bureaucracy' -,was the
excuse, turns out they hadn't stamped and sent the correct form. Then
when we finally received it, it was not the correct amount.
To cut a long story short, I'll never go back to Arnold
Clark, neither will my brothers, my sisters, my mother, and my brother
in law, who have all been treated badly by this shoddy company!
If you want excellent after sales support and Peugeots
for a decent price then go to Melvin Motors- that's what I tell
Arnold Sucks- and that's official! PS- this joker that
heads and owns the company has been given a Knighthood!- 'for services
to the Scottish Motoring Industry'- you couldn't make it up!!!
If you but a car from these guys after reading this then
you only have yourselves to blame...
Rant over,
8.2.2004 |
I bought a brand new Daewoo Matiz from Shields Road
branch in October 02 costing me over £5000, not long after this my car
kept cutting out and steering locking. When I phoned the Motherwell
branch I was told I had to take my car to Glasgow branch as Motherwell weren't
a Daewoo Dealership only to be told there was no fault. This same fault
has been occurring every 8 or so weeks since then, only to keep being
told no fault. To make matters worse the check light kept continually
coming on and they then told me this wasn't the same fault as last time
and it was a gasket that had to be fixed. This fault is still occurring
now. Now my car is due a service I phoned Motherwell and was told I
could take my car to them to be serviced, I asked them why
any other time I have had problems with my car they say they haven't the
trained mechanics to look at a Daewoo car, but their untrained mechanics
can service my car. I know I am driving a faulty car, but Arnold Clark
wont help me
prove this to Daewoo. Does anyone else have the same car
and same problem?
8.2.2004 |
I don't know if you are interested, I was actually told
by one of Mr. Clarks sons that Arnold Clark are not, and have never
proclaimed to be customer orientated. This is after I tried to return my
car as I thought it was un-road worthy, and after giving them 6
opportunities to fix it, I felt they hadn't. I mentioned contacting
citizens advice for nothing more than advice and my rights and he
threatened me with court action and asked how I planned on getting my
money back from them! I replied that it was nice to see that he takes
his customers needs, wants and thoughts into such consideration and that
he obviously values them so much, to which he stated the above.
All going well, I have another 40 yrs (at least) of car
buying ahead of me, I will never buy another car from them again. I
wonder if the car companies that use AC to sell their cars and represent
brand are aware of the underhand tactics they use, and
what they would have to say if the found out?
Keep up the good work!!
8.2.2004 |
nice yellow sticker with the web address on it .... would pay money for
8.2.2004 anyone want to finance this ? |
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